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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2023


  • Just out of curiosity, what is the first 2 doing in “2(2+2)”…? What are you doing with it? Possibly multiplying it with something else?

    there isn’t any multiplication in this expression.


    I really hope you aren’t actually a math teacher, because I feel bad for your students being taught so poorly by someone that barely has a middle school understanding of math. And for the record, I doubt anyone is going to accept links to your blog as proof that you are correct.

  • Please see this section of Wikipedia on the order of operations.

    The “math” itself might not be ambiguous, but how we write it down absolutely can be. This is why you don’t see actual mathematicians arguing over which one of these calculators is correct - it is not either calculator being wrong, it is a poorly constructed equation.

    As for order of operations, they are “meant to be” the same everywhere, but they are taught differently. US - PEMDAS vs UK - BODMAS (notice division and multiplication swapped places). Now, they will say they are both given equal priority, but you can’t actually do all of the multiplication and division at one time. Some are taught to simply work left to right, while others are taught to do multiplication first; but we are all taught to use parentheses correctly to eliminate ambiguity.

  • This is just factually inaccurate corporate shill talk. In windows 10 I had to completely gut the Microsoft store using regedit to actually stop the ads that come directly from Microsoft. And then you can’t use the Xbox app (for access to game pass) which is basically the only reason I would want windows to start with (among other things it completely breaks) … And that’s a pc I built with a “clean” windows install.

    When it “upgraded” itself to windows 11 despite opting out several times, and being bombarded with more ads and constant bs pop-ups, the last straw broke the camel’s back for me. Moved all my computers to Linux only and haven’t looked back.

    It’s nice the EU is doing what it can to curb Microsoft’s invasive crap, but it also appears it only helps people in the EU and NA customers still get the bloated “OS” displaying more ads than an old geocities warez site.