Homo Homini Lupus Est

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 1st, 2023


  • Hehe, i have an awesome solution for that. I simply block everyone except wifey and friends. The rest of the world doesn’t need to reach me. I call back when i want to, or simply don’t 😁

    Just because i CAN be reached mobile doesn’t mean i have to. Wasn’t before Smartphones and won’t be with…

    But yes, the call-screening is cool. If you disregard privacy and the percentage of non tech-savy people who are totally overwhelmed by that.

  • Totally. First thing i check is “can i debloat and root this piece of shit which is technically awesome but ruined software-side”. Which i most likely can’t as the hurdles became more and more annoying each year up to the point where i gave up and went google.

    If they’d do the same with PCs, noone would buy that shit. Unless it’s a crapple…

  • Dyskolos@lemmy.zipto> Greentext@lemmy.mlAnon thinks about Google
    3 months ago

    Hate it like you want, but the effing pixels are still the best phones. Not by os, not by spec, but simply by being the most open android of them all. The easiest to de-google. Sounds stupid, but is not.

    I hate google with all my heart (since they dropped their slogan “don’t be evil” and went… Well… Evil). But i will buy their fucking phones until a viable alternative comes along.

  • I knew this guy. He always wanted to suck my Schlong or f with me. Told him i ain’t gay. He replied he neither, he just finds vaginas disgusting (Women in general, Vaginas just being the “most disgusting” part) and schlongs beautiful, hence it’s not gay at all. He just prefers guys coz they have said dingdongs.

    Told him that was somehow very gay. He got really really really pissed at me for hinting he might be gay. He hates gays and find them repulsive. It was at this point that i realized, he verbally held me hostage. How to reply to that? I didn’t know.

    EDIT: That wasn’t a joke or satire, he was dead-serious about it. That level of cognitive dissonance is hard to find, even in religious people :-)

  • Nah man. I’m far from fanboy. I hate the industry nowadays. I don’t preorder either. For AAA i download and try first before even thinking of spending a buck. And i didn’t hesitate to spend 100 moneyz on pacman and co when they came out.

    And again: i don’t care for promises, videos and whatever else marketing pukes out. It will never come close. Their job is to sell things that will never exist and the devs can’t fulfill. I noticed cyberpunk was to be released some day, it was from cdpr (so it got a positive prejudice) and i had a good experience. Johnny alone was memorable enough of a character. Friends told me how shitty and buggy it was, never noticed. Though i played with many mods as that time, dunno if it had sucked without. Didn’t know, didn’t care. Had fun. After finishing, i bought it. And months later i did the second playthrough. And in some months i’ll gonna get the dlc and play a last time.

    Where is a fanboy here? If it had sucked, i would’nt have spent a cent. If i was a fanboy, i would’ve preordered 😁

    Maybe YOU sound like being a victim of confirmation-bias after you felt victim of the hype and lost moneyz. Would be only fair after calling me a fanboy 😊

    And no, I’m no AAA-sucker. Many one-man-indies rock over multi-million-titles. AAA mostly just suck ass (nowadays).

    And yes. Lying about products suck and should be forbidden. But it ain’t and won’t. So we can just ignore the silly marketing alltogether. Pirate their shit, evaluate in peace (as demos died), and make solid purchase-decision AFTERWARDS.

  • Well, the problem is: I don’t care for pre-release hype/hate. I try on my own with unclouded judgement. So I didn’t know what they were promising or not. Who cares what marketing-departments puke out? They never are on par with the actual thing.

    As for the rest. If you consider the writing ‘amateurish’ then a) I must be easily entertained, as I found it great (for a game) b) what GREAT writing in games have you recently had? Without sarcasm, the bar is low with AAA. c) considering it was one of the very very few SciFi-RPGs, it surely was one of the best. There are just so many without dragons and wizards and elves for a change.

    Honstely, I don’t know what you want to be fixed, I had two runthroughs with zero problems. Everything worked perfectly fine for what I needed a mod to make it perfectly fine in the first run.

    To me, they earn a labour-of-love-whatever-award. It works, it’s great, it’s worth it’s asking-price. Surely better than Starfield, Diablo4 and whatever else recent AAA-fails were brought upon us.

    IMHO at least. And no, I’m no fanboy or hater, I don’t care for those things. No bugs and I’m having fun => I’m happy, I buy again. Bugs and I don’t have fun => Fork you in the eye.

  • They just launched too early, but tried hard to fix everything. I played it some weeks/months after release and had ZERO bugs (not counting some minor texture-issues, who cares). And another run recently. Absolutely gorgeous world, and one of the best story and story-telling and characters of the last many many years.

    Though I obviously was lucky, as many had massive problems with the game. But then again, people with much shittier systems than mine could game starfield fine, while I couldn’t at all.

  • I did in the beginning. Then got bored by the loading-screens. Besides it only worked at all with a mod that enabled file-caching. Otherwise I had horribly unsynched audio, ending with completely stopping sound. It was a joke. And no, it wasn’t my system, which is decently beefy to play every other AAA-title on FHD@maximum/ultra.

    I excepted nothing, and so I wasn’t overly dissapointed (especially coz I didn’t buy it). I’ll do the wise thing and just wait 1-2 years. The bugs are maybe mostly squished out by then and the community will have made it a loooot better.

    I really wanted to like it btw, it’s not that I was just glad to jump on the hype- or hate-train. I don’t care for those. I just played enough games to see the many many many flaws. I didn’t even care how dated the graphics were :)

    Also btw, the argument is pretty weird considering it’s an OPEN-WORLD game. In Skyrim&Co I also often wandered the world for many many hours before even starting any quests.

  • I actually am more hyped/enthusiastic about simple indie-games nowadays. Even if they often fail at simple manpower or financial issues. The rare exceptions where AAA still delivers is countable with one hand. I even have to think hard to name 5 from the last 10yrs that kinda lived up to the hype.

    A joint-effort AAA by us gamers? Nah. Who pays the AAA in AAA? 😁 Times are over where a game like pacman could be done by the intern on a free evening. Including GFX and SFX…