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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: April 24th, 2024


  • sp3tr4l@lemmy.zipto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneThe Great Awokening
    1 month ago

    We also rejected mercantilism… even though Trump’s apparent economic strategy of ‘remove all taxes and replace them we a 20% import tariff across the board’ is basically a return to mercantilism.

    We rejected second class citizenship for women… even though most Republicans seem to want to basically return to that by removing no fault divorce in addition to criminalizing abortion and basically ending sex ed.

    We rejected Wilsonian globalism… and then fought and died in WW2 (which is where we rejected fascism) because we preferred to be isolationist until Japan and Germany declared war on us and then we built the fucking UN headquarters in New York (Wilson’s League of Nations version 2.0).

    In summary, they must have consulted with whatifalthist to get their version of American History.

    In a (historically relevant reference) word: NUTS!

  • Yeah, this is a wonderful way to accidentally escalate a situation via it falling out and scaring the shit out of everyone near you, shoot yourself in the femoral artery, or maybe you just enjoy it digging into your stomach and pelvis every time you sit down or lean over…

    There are trans people who know how to carry guns. Used to be friends with one, used to go to ranges myself.

    This is not how you carry a gun.

    There are holsters and belly bands for this kind of thing.

  • sp3tr4l@lemmy.zipto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRule
    1 month ago

    Probably not.

    I was going to say ‘prayer’, but there are tons and tons of ways to do that wrong just according to most Christians I’ve known.

    Don’t pray for yourself, unless its for forgiveness! Wait, what you did is so bad we need the pastor or the whole church to pray for you!

  • sp3tr4l@lemmy.zipto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRule
    1 month ago

    So, I was raised in a fairly extreme and very hypocritical Christian household. I’ve been an Atheist for a long time, basically since I left after high school, but this only works if you view sin as only a positive act, a thing you do.

    The way I was raised?

    Not doing certain things can be just as sinful as doing certain things. Oh, you failed to sufficiently respect your parents? There’s a commandment for that. Oh, you failed to prevent your sibling from doing something really stupid (even though you actually told him not to)? Failed to be your brother’s keeper, etc.

    Regarding laziness/sleep, specifically?

    1st Timothy 5:8

    Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.

    Proverbs 10:5

    He who gathers crops in summer is a prudent son, but he who sleeps during harvest is a disgraceful son.

    2nd Thessalonians 3:6,10

    In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we command you, brothers and sisters, to keep away from every believer who is idle and disruptive and does not live according to the teaching you received from us. … For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.”

    Again, I don’t believe in any of this, but there are plenty, plenty of Christians and Pastors who will pick a few verses willy nilly, as I have just done, and design a whole sermon around them.

    Point being: You can quite easily use the Bible to define sleeping all day as being sinful.

  • sp3tr4l@lemmy.zipto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonejarate rule
    2 months ago

    Reminds me of Huel ‘drinks’.

    Apparently its like ground up seeds and nuts and oats of various kinds, supposed to be a some kind of health drink.

    Looks like sludge, tastes terrible, is overpriced.

    Basically its the ‘nutrient paste/gruel’ from dystopian scifi movies.

  • sp3tr4l@lemmy.zipto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRule
    2 months ago

    Hey, that makes sense to me!

    Only thing I can add to your explanation/troubleshooting is: maybe you have some specific controller, or said specific controller has some specific firmware on it that is contributing to the situation?

    Unfortunately, I have very little experience playing PC games with a controller, I hope you are able to solve your problem =)

  • sp3tr4l@lemmy.zipto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRule
    2 months ago

    Steam Input… as in, you are playing on a Steam Deck?

    That would likely be from Proton not quite catching up to it?

    Steam Deck and linux gaming in general is a bit of an extra complication to this quote, as significantly fewer games are actually released with native linux support, and Proton is basically a compatibility layer that translates various levels of code in the game that are designed to work in windows to work in linux, and it has to be constantly updated to keep up with new methods used in games.

    Anyway I don’t know as I have never played Jedi Survivor, but I have played games on linux for about a decade now, and it is absolutely wild to me that we went from basically not being able to play any current games made for windows, to now being able to play the vast majority of them, with the occasional exception of a totally new AAA game, or an online game that refuses to allow its anti cheat to function with a linux system.

  • sp3tr4l@lemmy.zipto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRule
    2 months ago

    I decided to disappear from him after he showed me how he constructs ghost guns (no serial numbers) in his garage, and then a few months later tried to have me committed to a mental institution in the middle of nowhere after a team of doctors at the best medical outfit in the state determined I am autistic.

    Nope, can’t be that, I must be schizophrenic.

    If I cared enough and ever get to the point I can handle my life’s trauma, I could probably write a compelling autobiography.

  • sp3tr4l@lemmy.zipto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRule
    2 months ago

    Yeah the origins of chiropracty seem to be in the late 1800s or early 1900s, basically one of the few offshoots of ‘vitalism’ that still remains quite prevalent.

    There is no conclusive evidence that it really works at all, and there are a significant number of injuries that it has caused, as you can basically get a Doctor of Chiropracty from, at worst, a diploma mill, and at best, roughly the equivalent of getting a ‘degree’ in homeopathy or reiki, after maybe a few months of instruction.

  • sp3tr4l@lemmy.zipto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRule
    2 months ago

    The quote is:

    A game is only late until it ships, but it’s bad forever.

    And it likely is not from Miyamoto, but instead seems to be fairly common sentiment from various western game devs going back to the mid to late 90s.


    There does not appear to be 100% certainty as to who coined it or phrases it first…

    …but this not not change the underlying meaning of the quote and its similar permutations:

    A game that sucks on release date because it got rushed out the door is always remembered as a game that sucks, whereas a game that is delayed is only remembered as delayed until it comes out, fully developed.

    This seems obvious, but somehow it evidently is not, as the history of video games is full of stuff that was rushed out the door before it was fully baked, and these games very seldom get updated and finished to the point they defeat that stigma.

    The fact that games can be more easily patched now has not actually changed this, again, excepting very rare instances. The stigma of a broken, half cooked release is still nearly impossible to overcome.

  • I guess the sarcasm was not obvious.

    I was mocking what will presumably be a Republican talking point as a 15 dollar donation is immensely inconsequential.

    I agree with you that party registration is basically meaningless for a 20 year old who seems to have not even ever voted, nor has any as of yet evidenced strong political beliefs voiced privately or publicly.

    As of right now, the shooter does not seem to have been very politically involved either way and is being portrayed as basically socially awkward and picked on in high school.

    If the person had a long history of political involvement either way or had published a manifesto or something like that, that may be worth discussing, but so far there is nothing to indicate any kind of strong ideological motive, more along the lines of ‘troubled young adult has nothing to live for, decides to try and become famous and/or die trying.’