What struck me about Augustus’ comments was that it is completely normal to start dating in your early twenties. I started dating in my early twenties, for one, and so have many of my friends, both disabled and temporarily non-disabled.
- What are their sources? (Other than anecdotal evidence.)
- “Normal” is an alienating term; not everyone will receive an average expectation.
- Most incels have not gotten a relationship or had sex. That is the definition of involuntary celibate.
- Who are the author’s friends and what are their material conditions? There could be different material conditions that separate Augustus from them.
- They could be female (teens can get dates too) humans who are more likely to get dates.
- The author could have lived in a place accepting of neurodiversity.
What is clear is that the fight against incels and their ideology must include a fight for comprehensive sex education for all students
Improper sex education is part of the problem; but it should be important to look at the economic system of the place an autistic person lives at.
The U.S is an example. They discriminate for romantic partnerships and against celibate people:
- Taxes are reduced for married partners
- The inability to pay for necessities forces celibates to get partnerships
- Bonuses are exclusively given to parents.
- Societal programming to inculcate the unconditional worship of parents.
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