I remember a time when my phone and laptop were broken and while waiting for new ones, I found a book and started reading. I actually managed to be interested enough to read the entire book within like 2 days (although I didn’t exactly comprehend it). That was probably like 7+ years ago. Now after 7+ more years of using the internet, I literally could not go through half a page of a book without getting bored, whether its an ebook or a physical book. I could read through wikipedia pages and news articles no problem as long as they were interesting enough, but I hate reading books for some reason. I also have problems getting through tv series and found myself skipping through the boring parts.

Edit: Ender’s Game was amongst one of the books I read. I voluntary read a full book because I was bored. Can’t do that nowadays. Found it lying somewhere in a bookshelf at home.

  • Moonguide@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    Used to, but I’ve managed to keep it under control. For reference, I have ADHD, and due to my carreer and hobbies I spend most of the day in front of a screen. I’ve gotten the algorithms from sites and apps I use to favor media on the longer side and have no issues sticking to it, or reading for long periods of time. Since I started taking medication for ADHD, it’s gotten even better still. Though I won’t lie, when reading I often had to read the same thing twice or thrice because I didn’t really read it.