If the machine predicts that you will take both Boxes A and B, Box B will be empty. But if the machine predicts that you will take Box B only, then Box B will contain $1,000,000,000. The machine has already done it’s prediction and the contents of box B has already been set. Which box/boxes do you take?
To reiterate, you choices are:
-Box A and B
-Box B only
(“Box A only” is not an option because no one is that stupid lol)
Please explain your reasoning.
My answer is:
I mean I’d choose Box B only, I’d just gamble on the machine being right. If the machine is wrong, I’ll break that thing.
This is based on Newcomb’s Paradox (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newcomb’s_paradox), but I increased the money to make it more interesting.
I’d take box A and B because that would get me 1 MILLION DOLLARS. Yes I’m risking 1 BILLION DOLLARS but I’d rather have a guaranteed million.
Hehe thats why I think the original question of Box A being $1000 and Box B being a million was kinda boring, since $1000 is barely anything in today’s world. 3 more zeroes does making things more interesting