You can include your phone specific model if you want.

I just got a Samsung Galaxy S23, switching from an iPhone 11, because I kinda fear that Apple might turn evil and start banning apps from the app store. I mean I knew about how restrictive iOS was but I kinda just justified it by the increased security that I perceived it to be. But recent events made me realize a corporation can turn from mildly annoying to full-on evil very quickly. With Android, I have the option of avoiding the Google Play Store if they start to do weird things with it. So that’s my story, what about you?

    1 year ago

    They offer software updates for >6 years

    That was the reason why I migrated to iPhone last year.

    I used Android for many years, but I got tired of vendors stopping system updates after 6 months or so of a model being out.

    I keep my phone at least 4-5 years, even more if it doesn’t break, and with all the sensitive data and apps we keep on it nowadays (mobile banking, digital identities, authenticators, etc.) it’s not acceptable to stay years without security fixes.

    It’s true that apple devices are expensive but it’s enough to not buy the latest models, get a bit older one and you can get it for the same price as a medium-high Android.