Having ascertained https://discuss.kde.org/t/how-to-capture-a-screenshot-in-plasma-mobile/15070/2?u=rokejulianlockhart, I’d like to be able to transfer screenshots off my Plasma Mobile device.
I try to access it via KDE Plasma 6’s Disks & Devices plasmoid (widget):
However, all I see is:
Weirdly, it’s acting like https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=486594#c0.
I ask because I’d like to upload screenshots to https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1895116#c1, and ascertain whether it affects https://gitlab.com/postmarketOS/webflash/-/issues/2#note_1892953259.
Thank you. I’ll use that information about the USB ID for my report to KDE. However, could you elaborate somewhat? That is, would it be correct to ask for Plasma to not merely utilize the USB ID to identify whether a device is accessible, but test whether it can be accessed by MTP first, before presenting that option to the user? Regardless, per what you’ve said, I’ve consolidated my previously disparate reports under https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=486931.
Additionally, I’ll definitely mention on Bugzilla that incorporating some of the patches in that package would be a feasible implementation method. Relevantly, I’d like to use that package, but because I’m not using Edge, would adding that repository do any harm (for instance, would it be added with higher priority by default than existent repositories)?
I don’t think reporting the USB ID thing to Plasma is useful and will go far - for 99% of users (that use some kind of Android/AOSP) the modus operandi is fine and helpful. With many Android devices and OSes requiring you to do something on the device after plugging it in, testing does not seem to be feasible to me.
There’s no need to add the edge repo, as the latest release of mobile-config-firefox should be in v23.12 by now (it’s been updated there since my last post). The command I posted does not add the repo, but only uses it for the one package without adding the repo permanently.
Yeah, I just installed it from 23.12’s repository. Works well for the basics. Many thanks.