Welcome to SDF Chatter - a federated Lemmy instance
qq all
i am unix systems enjoyer, musician and engineer
hope i’ll have fun staying at sdf
hi im dosuser123456 but you can just call me dos, i aftuallky joined 4 months ago…
originally made this account juat for an event but over time its beciome basicallly my main social network along with irc lol
so uh im just a 14 year old nerd who has a random site, codes mainly in basic (but also batch i guess) and probably has no social life (im quite shy irl)
oh im also a musicisn and a composer (kinda, if beepbox and “uh this is the worst fasttracker2 module ever lol” count…) and i also draw stuff
anyways hiiii
im also known as DOS_User on irc (libera.chat) btw, if looking for other ways to contact me (mostly active on channels #puppylinux, #oldcomputerchallenge, #unix_surrealism and #lolz_this_channel)
it’s me, saba (or sam)! Been here a long time, but not on much. Currently trying to follow lemmy stuff from my #snac instance
it’s me!
We just made it past 1000 signups this morning. Nearly everyone joining had very thoughtful and meaningful explanations of why they want to try using this instance. It is an amazing time for the internet and we truly appreciate SDF being a part of this.
Hello SDF Lemmy! This is peron!
. \ \ \/ * \ \ |_| From the Southern Cross \__\ / / I wish u all | |___| / / Happy Hacking ----- / / @SDF! | | [] | . \ \____/ . . \_______[] * * | | * * . ~ ~ . * \ _ _/ | | | | * |_| |_| . * [ ] [ ] | | | | . | | | | . |__| |__| /__\ /__\ .
A comment.
Hello SDF! Thanks for hosting Lemmy and mastodon. I like the Minecraft server too. I’m just a geek that likes open-source and have no idea what I’m doing half the time.
I had to scroll through this thread because I thought I commented already but it looks like I didn’t.
I’m grey. I’ve use the SDF European server since 2013 and found it pretty useful. I’m American, I don’t know why I used the EU server back then. 2013 was a long time ago, lol. I don’t really have any reason to switch to the American one.
Hi sdfpubnix lemmy community peoples!
Just wanted to say hi…I finally created an account here to check it out. Another way for me to be differently social with people I like! Many familiar sdf operators here. Hope to see more of you around on the system, in the COM[MODE}, in the gopher underground, on smolnet, and the fedifferentlysocialverse!
Well the recent SDF Lemmy email requested an introduction and comment about what we think re: the reddit to Lemmy exodus.
I’m hobbsc (aka cmhobbs, notcmhobbs, nilmethod, rev. dok. granggggg, etc). Been an SDF user for a minimum of 20 years. Love the place. More info plus fedi links etc: hobbsc.sdf-us.org
My thoughts on the reddit exodus? I’m indifferent. I’m just a passive consumer of reddit content. I don’t currently have an account. I just hope that the communities that leave go somewhere public and searchable instead of places like discord where the info will be locked away. Much like the stack exchange sites, reddit holds a wealth of useful information.
Glad to see SDF running more federated services, too. It fits well with the general theme of the fortress.
dok??? i think i know that name…
or is the dok on irc a different one?
Likely someone else
ah ok
I just realized that you picked up on part of a name. “Rev. Dok. Granggggg” is just an abbreviation for “Reverend Doktor Granggggg”, not three separate handles.
I am " hobbsc" on the SDF IRC server.
then i mistookyou for the dok on libera.chat
i’m cmhobbs over there :D