Communist Penguins are a pretty good symbol for most of the users on Lemmy. (Or maybe just the most vocal users.)
Communist Penguins are a pretty good symbol for most of the users on Lemmy. (Or maybe just the most vocal users.)
Aging Wheels if you want a fun car channel with similar vibes!
I’m not exaggerating when I say: that’s literally Hitler.
$400 penalty (in the state of Kentucky. Check your local laws.)
This is really not a problem with Celsius. It’s a result of us being used to Fahrenheit. We could probably switch and not have any issues after a month or so if we really wanted to.
It depends on the user. From the emails I’m guessing that you don’t have anything that you consider very valuable on photobucket, but others may.
“I’m a black Scottish cyclops. They have more ************************** than they have the likes of me.”
10•9/11 = 18.18
9/11 is a strange unit, but I guess it’s not weird by American standards.
Haha. It sounds like it’d work for low volume prints. Imagine waiting hours for a stack of paper to print.
The purpose of dystopian sci-fi is to help us understand these kinds of things. If Black Mirror helps you think about how technology will impact our future, all the power to you.
If you don’t reproduce on your own, you’re not truly asexual. #mitosis
is this why flying is so safe? As far as I’ve heard, if you want something done right, make sure the furries do it.
Honestly, who doesn’t? I can’t remember ever reading a lengthy description of some delicious food and thinking that the author should just hurry up and get to the story.
Pyspark sounds like some kind of electric snake.
I am running at my optimal stoichiometric ratio. I am above your jest.
Ich bentuze bogen, übringens.
Give lower income people a chance. You never know which ones secretly own burger joints.
You can’t just enjoy comics without someone spouting their political nonsense on the internet.
Oy vey.