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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • “You don’t need a formal conspiracy when interests converge. These people went to the same universities, they’re on the same boards of directors, they’re in the same country clubs. They have like interests, they don’t need to call a meeting. They know what’s good for them.”

    -George Carlin, from an episode of Politically Incorrect


    There are powerful classes of people that oppress you, but not because they go to secret meetings where they plan to, power/capital simply tends to corrupt.

    And from our perspective it feels coordinated because the capitalist’s punches all come from the same direction: downward from above.

    The truth is, they’ve bled us dry and have begun to turn on and eat one another having conquered the board with little room left to grow/metastasize. That’s why entire economic sectors are turning into TimeWarnerHBODiscoveryParamountSoonEtc…

  • AllonzeeLV@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneGaslit rule
    9 months ago

    If your company celebrates good profits, but doesn’t volunteer raises that reflect that, you shouldn’t have to beg if you were part of the machine that made that profit, that should tell you all you need to know.

    The fact that just doesn’t happen unless you’re in the strangest of American Workplaces demonstrates where you sit in their universe. A disposable liability. The cost of doing business. You make them multiple times more money than they pay you, and they resent and nickel and dime even what little they have to remit back to you for you to not just walk out solely so the assholes at the top can live larger than they need to. In a sad, sociopathic society where working means life and not working means being tossed into an alley to die, that means your life means absolutely nothing to them, just in case the suicide nets outside the factories where they hire third world slaves to save a dollar didn’t clue you in.

  • AllonzeeLV@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneGoodluck rule
    9 months ago

    Jack Welch was all about investors first and only. He wasn’t the first, but he was the most historically prominent of CEOs betraying the social work contract on the businesses end as Reagan converted his supposed opposition party into bribe taking neoliberals as they rigged the game legislatively beyond all sanity and called it turning the bull loose, to the applause of working class morons cheering their own destruction.

    Edit: completely agreed and well said!

  • AllonzeeLV@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneGoodluck rule
    9 months ago

    Honestly I’d need more data. What did the family make annually relative to the non-family workers, etc.

    That said, I wouldn’t consider them the primary villains, possibly more symptomic of a larger problem. Kind of a when in Rome situation of “well I have enough capital to start something small, and I won’t exploit my workers as badly as faceless corporations, which makes me good by comparison” kind of thing.

    I don’t believe the people that throw money from previous capital gains at a proposal to build the means of production deserve as much back as the people that LABOR day in and day out to run those Machines and produce value from them, let alone orders of magnitude more than the laborers as they do.

    I think being a business owner/investor should mean getting a tiny cut of the final net profits, most of which goes to the people whose blood, sweat, and time they’d rather be spending elsewhere produced widgets of value that society wanted.

    So no, if your family payed anyone who wasn’t family less than family despite them running or accounting or whatever their role was harder than your family LABORED, merely because the family owns/leases the building and machines, the worker deserved more of the net profits than your family on the projects they labored on. Not Bezos evil, but not right either.

    I think it’s deeply, deeply wrong for someone to just throw money they got from god knows where and who they hurt to get it at a potential profitable business, walk away and not be part of building it using their own hands and headaches, and then expect not only a lot, but most of the net profits. It’s perverse that our society rewards such activity and punishes doing the work by comparison.

  • AllonzeeLV@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneGoodluck rule
    9 months ago

    Specifically not for a co-op. Literally every business in America should be a co-op where the active laborers benefit proportionate to the company’s profits.

    “DAWI estimates that there are closer to 1,000 worker co-ops operating in the U.S., with 10,000 workers.”


    That said, co-ops in the US almost don’t even exist, because the capital laborers would have to start such things together is eaten by the oligarchs by design. Part of the whole maintaining a monopoly on the means of production and keeping workers separated from said means thing that capitalism is all about.

    Not to mention our entire economy and tax structure was designed to benefit private owners that sit above their workers imbibing capital gains taxed at a lower rate, not cooperative/communal(gasp!) ownership and profit.

    10,000 workers is a rounding error here. Co-ops reflect almost no American’s circumstances at large.

  • AllonzeeLV@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneGoodluck rule
    9 months ago

    I just go on such rants to feel sane in a cruel, insane world.

    I have no hope for it changing or getting anything but worse in any of our lifetimes. Too many safeguards. Too much propaganda dividing those that would revolt. The oligarch class owns the media, the means of production, they control the curriculum from Kindergarten through colleges of economics, and if it comes to it, they captured their own regulators and government and thus also own the means of state violence.

    I shout it to feel sane, but I’m aware most ears it would fall on are willfully deaf.