The political desperadoes and ignoramuses, who say they would “Rather be Dead than Red”, should be told that no one will stop them from committing suicide, but they have no right to provoke a third world war.’ — Morris Kominsky, 1970

  • 9 Posts
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: August 27th, 2019


  • Originally I was simply going to ignore this topic as it was too depressing (and I was too tired). After I went to sleep I had a dream(!) partly about it, and my response to the thread was — if I may say so myself — surprisingly good.

    true anti-imperialism must oppose every imperialism, not just that of the United States.

    To paraphrase what I wrote in my dream:

    The Western left needs to get over the fact that this isn’t the 2003 invasion of Iraq. The United States attacked Iraq with the goals of destabilizing its currency, eliminating its products from the market, and preventing a challenge to U.S. hegemony. The Russian Federation’s invasion of Ukraine was the inevitable consequence of the U.S.’s neoimperialist expansion in the East; economically Ukraine is of little importance to Russia. It is of strategic importance to the U.S.

    These two are not the same thing.