Angry_Autist (he/him)

IED(EDS) sufferer and spectrum surfer. You probably won’t like what I have to say.

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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2024


  • Everyone has it tough but I am ashamed to say that as a 6 ft man that drove myself in for my own appendectomy and once fought a gator with my own bare hands (it was small), I don’t think I can stand 1/4 of my life feeling like I’ve been gutpunched.

    And that’s not even touching the massive but biologically necessary pain in the ass mammalian birth is like.

    Honestly, I have no idea how the human race survives just how much a PITA it is to reproduce.

    Like, every woman should after giving birth for the first time rationally decide to never experience the agony of squeezing a bowling ball out of a donut ever again.

    Women go through that and like three years later think “Yup, time to go through all that again!”

    My hat is off and my spirit humbled.

  • It seems like you define propaganda as any type of persuasive communication,

    No I specified the requirement of an ulterior motive, but since you just glossed over that part deliberately to make a terribly written argument, I have now excised you from my lemmy experience forever.

    Much like when fascists

    Oh, ok. Now you’re reported too.

    Have a day.

  • Who the fuck are you to police my motives? I’m warning you so you know what you’re dealing with.

    Further, the meme format depicted here was created by an autistic person f

    Yes, and EVERY meme the alt-right co-opts comes from innocent and progressive sources. *gestures frantically at Pepe and Doge*

    That’s how they operate. They take the works of others and twist them to serve their frat boy purposes.

  • A lot of human created things are actually, if you take the definition of propaganda as 'art that is intended to inspire an ulterior interpretation to manipulate the experiencer into mirroring the ideals of said ulterior interpretation.

    Love songs, for example, are certainly propaganda.

    They’re extensions of the mating ritual, were each partner competes by inflating their best traits and minimizing their worst, usually coached in flowery metaphorical words that reference the act of physical lovemaking to convince their chosen partner to consider the act.

    Nearly all advertising is propaganda.

    Hell even charities use propaganda to increase donations.

    High school football teams use propaganda to hype up the crowd and to inspire the player.

    Not all propaganda is bad.

    But propaganda that forwards fascist goals and ideologies ARE bad, and will ALWAYS be bad.

    The alt-right have co-opted the format posted by OP, and I guarantee it will surface in other places to undermine Harris’s campaign.

  • My anger is medical and highly resistant to treatment, thank you.

    The tone the meme conveys erodes resolve and countenance, which is so critical for Harris to accrue right now. I agree Biden was not a great candidate, I voted for him out of necessity and frankly I would have voted for Harris even more enthusiastically if she had been the candidate in 2020 though moreso for Buttigieg.

    That said, this country, even among progressives, is unusually racist and sexist. Harris has a tough hill to climb and only weeks to do it in.

    Let us use our meme magic to make her way easy. Or at least to give her opposition as little ammo as possible.

    I call this a fascist meme because the format has been co-opted by the alt-right, and while I cannot claim your intentions, I err on the side of humanity and do not assume you are a deliberate forum slider. But it WILL be used by dedicated forum sliders to erode Harris’s positon.