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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023


  • Asafum@feddit.nlto196@lemmy.blahaj.zone20 rules later
    22 days ago

    My reply is almost always: life isn’t a fairy tale. Some of us will remain single having never found/taken the opportunity to meet someone who wants to be with us because all life is without intrinsic meaning or purpose.

    We may create our own meaning or purpose, but there is no part of life that is written in stone that simply “will be because it is ordained.”

    I know who I am, an extremely “acquired taste,” who is often too cynical and very very much self loathing. Above all else though, and probably worst of all for my dating prospects, I never want to live with a dog lol

  • Asafum@feddit.nlto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRule
    1 month ago

    I appreciate that, but I tend to be pretty decent at introspection. I’m very boring. It’s ok though not everyone needs to be The World’s Most Interesting Man. lol

    “I don’t always put myself down, but when I do it’s Dos Equis warranted.”


  • Asafum@feddit.nlto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRule
    1 month ago

    And I always end up with a clinger… I’m very much an introvert, and I want to be alone pretty often, but I really don’t like saying no to people that are just looking to have fun so I get incredibly stressed with multiplayer games… I’m not an interesting person and I often have no desire to say anything, but then you’re just sitting there on voice coms but completely quiet… Even more stressful…

    Last time I gave someone I didn’t know a shot was helldiver’s and I was never able to play solo again… So I just stopped playing.

  • Employer: We fired Asafum for disobedience and poor conduct. (No mention whatsoever of retaliation for discussing pay.)

    I was told when I was hired that they would fire anyone discussing pay. We work in a factory, there is no such thing as email proof when you’re a meat machine with no email.

  • Asafum@feddit.nlto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneLet's Go [Rule]
    2 months ago

    It kinda was a sports thing lol

    idk if you actually looked up it’s origins, but for anyone curious there was a NASCAR winner “Brandon” I forgot his last name, but he was being interviewed after the race and everyone in the background was shouting “fuck Joe Biden” (because they’re sheep, wtf does Biden have to do with anything in that moment?) so the interviewer possibly trying to cover for the network since you can’t exactly go cursing on there says (paraphrasing) “they must be saying let’s go Brandon!”

    Naturally MAGA morons took that as “ThE mAiNsTrEaM mEdIa iS cEnSoRiNg Us! ThEy’Re CoVeRiNg FoR BiDeN! FaKe NeWs!” So now let’s go Brandon means fuck Joe Biden and also hints to msm manipulation.

    It’s also a perfect example of how they NEED to be part of a tribe. That phrase includes you in the tribe if you use it with others that “know.”

  • Asafum@feddit.nlto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRule
    2 months ago

    You might have and didn’t know it! My only symptoms were being more irritable than usual and a little tired but I’m always anxious about giving it to other people that whenever I feel off I take a test. If it weren’t for that I would have never known I had it.

  • Asafum@feddit.nlto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneAntinatalism Rule
    2 months ago

    I mean I know there’s no way to obtain that consent, but I did let my parents know that they should have just gotten the abortion since the condom ripped.

    I wasn’t planned, and I shouldn’t have been born into that family. None of them were ready or cared to be ready or even cared to be with each other as they almost immediately split after my birth.

    One thing I’ll literally NEVER understand are the women on dating sites with literal newborns… What the actual fuck?