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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2023


  • I had this great idea last night on the piss.

    Less to do with time zones and more aimed at daylight savings since I live near the equator and we don’t have it but I want to move to the cold but waking up and going to work dark and finishing work in the dark shits me.

    My solution, rather then move the time we speed up the time so we start work at sunrise and end the day with 2 hours of light left.

    Sure it will suck when the sun sets at 9pm but it means short work days when it sets early

  • It’s just far away and almost never part of a bands Australian tour so can’t ge part of Australia.

    Much like Darwin where I live in the middle north.

    Perths major issue is crack heads though, the entire West Coast of Western Australia is full of remote Mine sites where uneducated people can make upwards of 200k a year working 6 to 9 months of the year, and during their time off a lot are hard into meth etc until they grlet caught lose their jobs and end up living in Kwinana.

  • Man I live in Darwin, a kid I went to school with died from stepping on a stone fish, my cousin was taken by a crocodle. My brother was bit by a king brown and ended up in hospital for 2 weeks. My sister was bit by a redback spider.

    My uncle caught Ross River virus and my other uncle died of meliodosis.

    Your part of Australia in the blue mountain’s might be good and safe, except for the incest mountain family.

    My part of Australia is reasonably dangerous still