Cyber security analyst, software and hardware exploitation geek.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • Be Google Bard AI generating this greentext
    Be at the park
    See a little girl crying
    Ask her what’s wrong
    She says she lost her balloon
    I feel bad for her
    I give her my balloon
    She smiles and thanks me
    I walk away feeling good

    Later that day
    I’m at the store
    I see the little girl again
    She’s with her mom
    She’s holding my balloon
    I smile and wave at her
    She smiles and waves back

    I walk away feeling good knowing that I made her happy

  • BaroqueInMind@kbin.socialto> Greentext@lemmy.mlAnon speedruns a game
    1 year ago

    Morrowind. Dagoth Ur would bring about a paradise reality where everyone is shown how to wake from their slumber, and are endowed with something greater than the powers of all the gods, which will bring the ends of all suffering, sorrow, pain, hate, and jealousy.

    He would unite all life to a frightening and beautiful singular purpose: a utopian reality would be created, where all life is sacred, and nothing is taken for granted; it would look alien, monstrous and strange, but that is the ultimate cost of profound and terrifying change.

  • Anyone who is on the fence about is the earth is flat is definitely not worth your time to convince its round because their critical thinking skills are retarded.

    The same logic goes for people who are on the fence thinking universal human rights for all minorities is something bad.

    Stop wasting your time. You kill their toxic culture from its roots by agressively protesting, voting and deterring religion from interfering with politics, as well as promoting ownership and training of firearms for minority groups that are vulnerable to sexist/racist/genderist law enforcement in order to deter them from forcing you into a corner with threats of violence, or it will grow back like a rotting putrid festering fungal slime.

  • “Make America Great Again” Communism doesn’t make sense, however if you follow their stupid logic that MAGA will render the United States into a religious theocracy and post-apocalyptic wasteland, running a small local commune to survive is possibly the only way to survive if they succeed.

    Fuck tankies, fuck MAGA, fuck rural uneducated dipshits who vote that way, fuck capitalism, fuck anarchy, fuck me, fuck cars, and most importantly fuck you for reading this.

  • You have a source for this? Because i want this to be true. Otherwise I can just say something also unfounded and preposterous and make it sound true, such as: it’s not the system, it’s the semen. The government telling femboys and twinks to stop being cute would do more for climate change and the environment in a month than if everyone wore thigh-high socks forever.

  • To combat institutionalized racism, this briefly worked in California, is to encourage POC communities to arm themselves with rifles to protect their communities without relying on racist law enforcement. This empowers them with agency to threaten the status quo with strong demands for positive change using the specter of violence.

    This was the Black Panthers, and Reagan used strict gun control regulation written and leveraged by the Republican Party with money from the NRA to disarm black people.