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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • He said the boobs would be an issue in a relationship with a trans man because he would attracted to a source of the person’s dysphoria, which would make them incompatible.

    Someone literally asked for his opinion on this matter, in a post that invited the opinions of straight people. There is no grossness or transphobia here. Someone asked him if he would date trans men and he explained why they would be incompatible.

  • Most people expect sex within weeks. And no matter how great you find someone, if sex with them is a chore due to you not finding their sexual organs appealing(which is something you can’t really control), that’s not going to be an ideal relationship.

    And on the point of finding something attractive about your partner that is the source of their dysphoria, that seems like a recipe for disaster and hurt.

    I can understand how it doesn’t feel great to read those points and how it’s a talking point that you wouldn’t want to see in communities you follow, but to call it transphobic just because it’s hurtful just doesn’t seem sound imho.

    But in this case at least it’s not simply boiling someone down to their sexual organs, but rather recognizing how their sexual organs could realistically affect the relationship.

  • The guy just said that penises put him off, good god. Is it common in the trans community for people to find it transphobic when cis people aren’t attracted to them post transition? Because while I fully support the right to be trans and transition, that is pretty nuts to find it transphobic just because someone doesn’t find you attractive.