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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • Just to add, the concept of a bait and switch, where you lure a party in with something and then swap it out once they are committed, is not a new idea in the slightest. This is just a modernized, refined tech version.

    Uber and Lyft are good examples. Drive out most of the competition with an aggressive early phase where you spend most of your capital to shore up a massively negative balance sheet. You are baiting the customers to you with very low prices.

    Then once the competition is eliminated, you raise your prices on the captive consumers that rely on the service to recoup your costs and start making money.

    If you, in a video game, have ever lured something in with ranged attacks and then switched to melee to kill it, by plan, you executed this same strategy.

    Every single discounted trial period for a subscription is employing a riff on the same concept, where they hope you’re too lazy to cancel.

    Fools been falling for the bait and switch since … oh dawn of civilization maybe? Awareness of it defeats it, people don’t take bait when they know it’s bait. It is not complicated though, and does not require complex understanding to grasp.

  • The tone shift, mainly. I mean, I knew it was going downhill, but I didn’t realize it’d happen so quickly until the huge shift in tone after the protests. Then it kinda clicked that “whoa this place is turning into a shithole fast”.

    It’s good old cancer. The influx people don’t really know how to use the community, they don’t “get it”, and now there are enough of them to resist being driven away. It’s unstoppable now. Every sub slowly turns into a shitpost sub, bit by bit, as the negatively creeps in subtly.

    A single mod team can’t hold it back, trolls are too smart for that, and trolling mods is too fun. It takes a larger community culture to keep them at bay. Lose that … and watch for yourself. Should take a year or two, off the top of my head. Not even r/humansbeingbros with a mod army could withstand the coming times of darkness and despair. It would merely be the Rivendell among Sauron’s endless hordes. lol

    I gotta admit, I thought reddit was immune. The karma system. But a critical mass of users is capable of undermining and subverting it, and then spez came. While he could backtrack and possibly cure the cancer by inspiring some decency again, I don’t think that’s very likely. No profit in that.

  • Tomatoes are already pretty acidic, and usually you’re trying to mellow that out a little bit. You hear splash of balsamic sometimes, but that’s more for some complexity than the acid.

    The sugar wouldn’t be bad, in moderation, but I’m thinking pineapple has a bit too much. If you added a bunch of pineapple for any reason, you’d have to bring it back into balance with other things. You’re really departing from spaghetti and meatballs now, heading in an almost SE asian direction.

    By the time it tastes good, it won’t be very italian anymore. Probably one of the legit worst cooking ideas I’ve heard in awhile, I’m having a hard time thinking of a more ruinous ingredient to add to an italian-American red meat sauce.

    You know, when you put it on pizza, there’s usually ham and jalapenos too. Those are balancing elements, both very strongly flavored.

  • Honestly, the complaining is the standard “our clubhouse” kinda vibe you get absolutely every time this happens, where a community grows rapidly from small to medium. Literally, every single time.

    While I understand the complaints, its always struck me as a little silly for people to make them in a place that was clearly intended to grow large. Like reddit for instance. Or a server called lemmy.world, seems to me to be signaling a clear intention to seek to become large.

    I mean, yes, the tone changes. It’s going to go through several evolutions, not just one. And every one of them will bring complaints. It’s just people being people, “get off my lawn” is probably a sentiment roughly as old as the animal kingdom of biology?

    That said, I deeply appreciate that the Fediverse actually has a built-in solution for them. Which they of course already know, they’re just bitching and moaning, that’s all.

    Regarding community duplication, that is the system working as intended. If someone wants to combine them into one, it would not be difficult to make a program to do this.