• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • When I say free, I obviously meant “at no extra cost”. So doesn’t matter if you are working, if you are a foreigner or any other situation - you need help, you receive it. No questions asked, no worries about the cost - people come together and everybody chip in.

    Regarding the gun violence, USA is a big country. I know that thefts and rape are an issue in the area I stay - I never experienced it first handedly though. It doesn’t mean it’s not an existing problem.

    But, not to drag this forever, it seems we both happy in the places we live in. Both have their good and bad sides, so let’s just agree to disagree :D

  • You are going a bit too far I think.

    Don’t be fooled by the propaganda, the tenement blocks you are referring to as “ghettos” are standing to this day, and they indeed, are comfortable. My partner’s family lives in one. Since the abolishment of the soviet block, these were brought into half public half private domain. So you can just go and buy a flat in one. It’s a lot cheaper than a freestanding house/flat in the city centre, but they remain in decent standards (at least some of them).

    I’m not saying that everything is peachy in the Eastern Europe - quite the opposite. There is a lot of socio-political stuff I 100% don’t agree with, economics are not in the best shape either. But given all this, I’m still glad I grew up there, rather in a place where I have to worry if I break my leg, will I be able to afford to go to hospital. Medical care and most of the necessary meds are free or subsidised so they are easily affordable. I don’t have to worry about gun violence, because guns are mostly contained to the criminal underworld and they keep it that way. Because of that, the police force doesn’t have to wear guns on the streets and they know how to defuse a situation without using lethal force. I went to college and got a degree, without worrying that I will have to pay off some exorbitant debt.

    Best part is, country where I live and studied is not even my birthplace nor am I a citizen of this country. But still, free medical care and free education applies to me - beauty of the European Union.

    Say what you want, I love where I live :)

  • I think I’ll stay here. I like the prospect of building this ting together and shaping it the way we want it. Just that they caved in this one time doesn’t mean it won’t happen in the future. I would rather invest my time and effort into something I can stand behind and agrees with my believes. I like that it’s open source and decentralised.

    Main thing that needs to be addressed with Lemmy/kbin is the mobile app situation which is well…not great at the moment