I’ve found that as an Older Millennial, I actually relate to Gen Z quite a bit and get along with them well. It’s Gen Alpha that I never have any idea what the hell they’re talking about.
L8er sk8ers!
I’ve found that as an Older Millennial, I actually relate to Gen Z quite a bit and get along with them well. It’s Gen Alpha that I never have any idea what the hell they’re talking about.
L8er sk8ers!
Damn inflation! Back in my day, a nickel could buy a hamburger, two cents would get you a pack of gum, and a penny would get you a great boner! Hell, you could buy a whole book of boners for thirty-five cents!
This summer I hear the drumming
Alderaan just lie low
Whatever, you woke LGB123+ virtue signaler. You just can’t handle my alpha red pillness!
You can’t just extend the path with a sharpie! Who do you think you are, the president?