• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • When i first started watching ATHF, the intro music was breaking my none-native English speaker brain and I always heard the last part of the song about meatwad being “and I am a t#rd” and Meatwad being kinda slow, it made sense in my brain, but I was like WTF?!? They used the R-word? Days later, I use subtitles and it’s “torus”, and am still like WTF??

  • American can either be like : 9/11 is like the worst day in the entire universe lifespan . Don’t ever disrespect it, ever!


    I ate Mexican tacos and a few hours later, it was like 9/11 all over again in the bathroom. It was so bad that I almost melted my toilet. The keyword is almost, cause we all know jet fuel can’t melt steel beams.

    There’s a weirder type of people that are not even Americans and act like the first type.

  • Didn’t mean to sound harsh. Not a native English speaker.

    It’s still in a gray legal area in most countries or they wouldn’t even be trying. Nobody is trying to steal the intelectual property, just make it that companies can’t come years later and remove things you bought full price . It’s a matter of customer protection.