A digital citizen

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Yet mechanisms, beauracrasies, and laws based on those concepts exist and govern our lives, so are you naive, or just out of touch with reality?

    I’m all for things changing for things changing for the better, I agree with you about why base things on what people from an archaic era have to say about how to deal with modern life, but let’s not fool ourselves, we can’t just make these changes overnight, especially not without violence, or the threat of violence, there have to he gradual and systemic changes made, risks to be considered, and plans to be made and implemented, which all takes time, and that’s generally how things are already going, and have been since women’s sufferage began here.

    A lot of the current problem also stems from things from the Confederate era, where we let the wound of the first civil war fester and flourish, entities like the John Birch Society, Daughters of the Confederacy, and other Confederate based political groups continue to pull at that divide, and yearn for “the good old days” aka slavery and gays being shoved back into the closet, snd these folks seem to have massive influence over right wing politics. Pair that with the systemic issues black folks face, makes for quite the powder keg.

    I completely agree with you on STV, that or Ranked Choice voting should be the way forward, that would raise the quality of candidates.

  • DigitalTraveler42@lemmy.worldto> Greentext@lemmy.mlWhat would you do?
    8 months ago

    Blah blah blah blah, okay i get it, you’re so biased against the left that you in your flawed logic think that every single one of us lefties is incapable of comprehending context and nuance, a complaint I commonly make about my conservative father, and which you seem to suffer from as well. Additionally you’re basically just bitching, at length, about the ever present vocal minority, the Righties have them too, except that they seem to be in control of the GOP now, meanwhile the Dems are lead by centrists, go figure.

    Case in point:

    The issue is we need more parties. I mean this as for the people.We need a party that is left wing economically but need a party that is right wing for what a lot of people unhelpfully group as “common sense issues” or we will just end up with right wing policies.

    This is where you’re missing nuance and context yourself, you don’t realize that our democracy isn’t designed for “more parties”, and I put that in quotes because there are already more parties available, but we exist and participate in an adversarial democracy, where it’s two parties fighting an ever drifting balance, this was how our founding fathers designed our democracy to work. The nuance in this is also that, for a new party to replace one of the existing primary parties they would have to both achieve a level of popularity and funding.

    Now with that said I think we’re very close to that happening with the GOP/MAGA Party, if Trump loses they will face a strong possibility of collapse, and if this happens without a civil war I picture a further left party rising and the Democrats shifting back to being the conservative party, like they were prior to the civil rights era and the Southern Strategy.

  • DigitalTraveler42@lemmy.worldto> Greentext@lemmy.mlWhat would you do?
    8 months ago

    How crazy the Left is? Yes because the Left is so crazy with their acceptance of people and their crazy crusade for human rights and equality, tf is wrong with that? Or is the left so crazy because they want to see our basic human needs met through social programs? Real nutty that is. /s

    Maybe you should consider that it’s the religious right who are the crazy ones trying to force us to fit their mold that is based on ancient books written by men that worship invisible beings, while also opposing human rights, equality, and the state social safety nets.

    Or maybe it’s the wealthy right and centrists who are the crazy ones with their endless pursuit of selfishness and greed, and the corruption, poverty, and income inequality their greedy selfish pursuits generate.

    You’re literally blaming the Left for the insanity of the Right, quite literally mass victim blaming, good job. 👍

  • DigitalTraveler42@lemmy.worldto> Greentext@lemmy.mlWhat would you do?
    8 months ago

    Irate younger men would approach semi-regularly, especially after evening prayers, eyes burning, and tell us that George Bush is a dog. Yemen was severely punished by George Sr. for holding the position that Arab nations should not intervene in the business between Iraq and Kuwait during the first Gulf War and even more severely punished by Kuwait and her neighbors as thousands of working Yemenis were expelled without warning.

    After spending a few years growing up in a major surf community any of us would have replied “ya bro totes agree, fuck all of the George Bushes”.

    Most people in the surf and skate scene are definitely not into Right wing shitheads, yet somehow after Trump most of what used to be that surf community is MAGA AF, it’s sad and super shitty, but most of the surfers seem to have disappeared after Kelly Slater grew up and left the area to become the most well known surfer in the world, but the years catching waves with him and the others will always be cherished memories.

  • One of the smartest people i knew was a former systems designer for NASA, I live close enough to the Cape to watch every launch from my backyard, anyway, this guy definitely worked for NASA, had his office decorated with the Patents that he held, really smart guy, complete conspiracy nut who was immediately on the Trump train.

    I’ve always loved conspiracies too and we got along through that stuff, but then he went down the rabbit hole of Right wing and Russian propaganda/disinformation and no matter how much i tried to prove everything wrong, with good evidence, he went deeper down that hole, he died during COVID and one of the last things he sent me was about the “stolen election”, it was after January 6, to which my reply was “do you mean the 2016 election or the 2000 election?” and never got a response back and I’d heard he passed away a few months later from a mutual friend.

  • It was mostly indignation over me not kissing his ass and telling him he’s right, I’m generally one of the few in my family that will stand up to him at all never the less consistently, he’s pretty charming and the family that have never lived with him all think he’s just great usually, but he always has this condescending way of telling me “you weren’t alive then so you don’t know” as if there aren’t interviews with Roddenberry that confirms these things, or if it’s broader politics, as if encyclopedias and news article didn’t exist back then. Then when I knocked down that argument he just defaulted back to “well it’s too woke and preachy now” while citing examples of preachyness that are just examples of inclusivity in the show.

    I’ll say this, my pop apparently helped do clean up at ground zero after 9/11, he was a guard at Rikers at the time and I could see him volunteering for it, but he’s also kind of a bullshit artists so we’re never sure what’s fully the truth. However fact or fiction he’s never been the same since that day, we all lost a bunch of people we knew, and we all have a lot of friends who lost close relatives and it impacted not only us but our community, because it’s a fire firefighter town we live in, we live next to the former chief and down the block from the station house and my pop hangs out at the bar near the station house. After 9/11 he fell down the Fox News hole and never was the same again, and now i gotta hear some “woke” bullshit every time he talks about something he seems to not understand.

    So overall the reaction was a lot of indignation, a little bit of arguing followed by a hasty hang up.

  • Recently had an argument with my conservative father, he’s always been big into Trek and Wars, and I had just started really watching Trek again, never watched a lot of the shows all the way through. So this father of mine started going on about how woke Trek was now, and I just lost it on him, I just get so tired of the “anti-woke” nonsense and he just finds some way to insert it into every conversation. So I was like “oh no, not woke Star Trek, the series about a socialist utopia, the series that holds the title of “the American show with the first interracial kiss”, the show where Kirk throws his dick at every species with a quim, the show that had a Ruskie character in the middle of the f’n Red Scare.” Star Trek was always woke, and my father was always too dumb, racially biased, and narcissistic to pick up on the lessons that they were trying to teach us when he watched it as a child in the 60’s.

    I have not even tried to bring up Star Wars since the Disney acquisition, I’m sure my father has an insufferable take on that series now as well.