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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 30th, 2023

  • I never really understood at what point a language evolves enough to be an entirely new language.

    Old English feels so far removed from even middle English, let alone modern English.

    We have “new” and “old” to differentiate them, but with how many Latin words alone entered English between Old English and Modern English, It’s something I’ve never found a comprehensive answer to.

    I guess, what is it about proto-indo European that we acknowledge as a distinct language from the hundreds of thousands of languages that evolved from it, other than time scale and global impact.

  • Food I cook is starting to taste more and more like my mother’s cooking. Moving out of home I always assumed my mums poor cooking was down to technique, boiling the brussel sprouts, steaming the peas until they were grey, water frying everything. As soon as I learned to cook properly it was amazing how much flavour everything had. Letting things brown fully, using oil, not overcooking everything.

    But recently, no amount of skill can save the sad veggies sold in store.

    It makes the hyperprocessed foods even more appealing when there’s nothing you can affordably do to improve the simple produce and staples. When potatos cost the same as Pringle’s, calorie for calorie (and they do, ) it’s easy to see why “just eat beans, rice, and in season produce” isn’t helpful advice - yes it’s frugal, but it’s depressing, and not as easy as it used to be. Why waste money on already rotting food that tastes bland when the same money can buy me a more nutrient dense food that lasts longer and tastes better?

    I’ve got a few things growing on the 2m concrete slab my landlord calls a back yard, it helps having home grown spring onion, parsley and pea shoots to dress up a dish.

    I’m a terrible gardener, I can’t even get mint to take. “grow your own” is thrown around too readily when people complain about produce quality. It’s not always an option, there is a physical skill, a cognitive skill, and resource requirements.

  • DillyDaily@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneFossil rule
    10 months ago

    Well except that we first need to use all the sane diesel farm equipment to grow soy and corn crops that we can then feed to those self propelled animals.

    In most of the westernised supply chain livestock animals don’t get to propel themselves very far anyway. Where once farmers would drive cattle to market on hoof, now they litteraly drive them in a truck.

  • I wonder if it’s because you associate the concept of promiscuity with the behaviours and attitudes of people who treat sex as a trophy and a bragging right.

    There’s a big difference between someone who likes what they like and does it when they can in their own bedroom, and someone who uses manipulative tactics to have as much sex as they can and brag about it as though that makes them a winner at something, acting superior.

    Growing up in a society that reinforces that behaviour (specifically, in men) has probably meant that the two concepts are linked, and your feelings towards one are the same as the other.

    I’m a certified slut and that type of “sex as a conquest” behaviour feels gross to me too, and if that was the only way to have casual sex, I’d never have casual sex ever again, even though I like sex.

    I think because I’m not a man, it was easier for me to separate the two concepts. If anything, I was shamed for promiscuity, so it helped me to explore what’s right for me with an attitude of “who cares what society thinks about my sex life”.

    Basically, if OP has sex and doesn’t brag about it, did he still enjoy it? Because sometimes I think guys like this don’t enjoy the sex for the sex, they want it for the status. And that’s whack.

  • Growing up in a vegetarian household, I never once had to remember to take the chicken out of the freezer when I got home from school. It was great.

    If the ethical, environmental and health benefits aren’t enough to convince a family to keep a bag of dehydrated TVP on hand - It’s also so much cheaper!

    To this day I love tofu, which is unfortunate because tofu does not love me. But just like lactose intolerant people and ice cream, it won’t stop me!