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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023

  • The anime definitely isn’t for everyone for a number of reasons, I won’t lie, I’m 700-some episodes in and I still find myself sometimes find myself questioning whether I actually enjoy it or if I’ve just sunk so much time into it that I might as well see it through (I’m pretty sure I do actually like it though)

    But I will say, IMO, things do really pick up for it considerably with the arabasta arc which is about 100 or so episodes in. I thought that everything up to that point kind of feels a bit like you’re still waiting for the story to really get started. If you didn’t make it that far and ever want to give the anime another go it might be worth trying to find some recaps or fan edits or something to get you up to speed then hop into it there (or just stick to the fan edits in general, I know there’s at least one fan project out there to recut it, remove unnecessary filler, and tighten up the pacing, I haven’t watched it myself, don’t know what the current status is, nor can I even remember the name of that project to direct you to it, so I can’t really comment on it beyond that it exists, but it’s an option)

  • There’s a “new communities” community that you can try posting to (I’d provide a link, but I’m still kind of figuring things out myself)

    Other than that, biggest thing is probably just to keep up with it, if you build it they will come. Make sure you’re keeping on top of whatever moderation tasks need to be done, no one wants to join a community that’s overrun with spammy bullshit or has a crappy vibe. Create content, people also don’t want to join a community where no one is posting (but don’t get spammy about it yourself, personally I think it’s a bit of a turn-off if I see it’s all just the moderator posting himself day in and day out) engage with your members, upvoted, comment, ask questions, offer answers, be the kind of member you want to attract.

    Be patient, things are growing but Lemmy doesn’t have reddit numbers yet, we’re all learning, things are changing fast, but building good communities will take time.

    And of course, promote yourself like you’re doing here (again without getting spammy) if you see people talking about bass, work it into the conversation. Lurk the music/musician subs, make the occasional shameless self promotion post.

    Maybe trick a few fishermen like me into joining who thought it was about the other kind of bass.

  • 911 dispatcher

    Probably a solid 6-7/10 (10/10 is wealthy retiree)

    Long hours, but more days off, my area is relatively safe, so we don’t get too many crazy incidents happening but there’s still always something interesting happening. I work overnights which isn’t for everyone but I dig it. The call volume where I am is manageable, you’re not constantly bouncing directly from one call to the next, usually you get a couple minutes between calls. My agency isn’t too anal about you reading or playing around on your phone, etc. between calls as long as you’re not at your desk, not bothering anyone, and ready to put it down and answer the next call when it rings (typed this comment out between answering about 3 calls.) Solid benefits (pension! How many jobs have an actual pension anymore?) ok-ish pay. I like my supervisors and agency well enough.

    Definitely not for everyone, we have a lot of turnover, pay could be much better, but I can see myself sticking with it for the next 20-30 or so years until I can retire.

  • I used to have a lot of keys on my keychain and normally kept them clipped to a belt loop with a carabiner. To keep them from jingling too much I used to keep a hard drive magnet that I scavenged from somewhere stuck to them. Not all of my keys were magnetic but enough of them were and the magnet was strong enough that I could sandwich the non magnetic ones between the other ones and they’d all stick together.

    It disappeared on me one day, probably stuck to some metal lamp post or something that I happened to brush up against.

    I need to check how magnetic my current keys are to see if it could work, but I think if I ever find myself with another magnet of an appropriate size and strength, I might revisit that idea and put the magnet in a small leather fob or something to keep my keys from jingling.