Sounds like they need some more bullying
Now I’m imagining a new Saturday morning cartoon with a character that uses this vape to turn into beasts to save the day. Like Ben 10 but a nicotine addict
She failed no shit November :(
Bro it’s super easy and makes cooking way more consistent… You’re not cool for not preheating lol
I wouldn’t really consider the water to be touching itself, it just IS itself. If you replaced the paper with water, it would just be all water.
You could dry out the paper by getting all the water molecules out of it, but how do you dry out water?
I guess this is really more of a semantics issue lol
Water is watery, but not wet. Milk isn’t soaked in milk, it just IS milk
What’s he like? It’s not important
My eyes are wet normally! Especially when wearing my contacts
! Water is not wet ! Water makes things wet
Yeah, no fun allowed!
I understand, but don’t care
It’s true… If only I could wake up as a cute anime girl
I got all bonked up by a tree while downhill skiing once… maybe I should get my concussy slonked just in case
What’s stopping them? No comprendo
This but unironically