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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • I think the difference between the first and second is whether you have a deep understanding of how high level languages translate into hardware operations. If you’re a novice how that translation works might as well be magic.

    The second panel understands how that translation exactly happens and then it absolutely makes sense.

    The third one is the next step where you have an deep understanding how the underlying physical phenomen makes computers work, and again that might as well be magic because explaining it is like explaining magic.

  • GoodEye8@lemm.eeto196@lemmy.blahaj.zone8-hour rule
    2 months ago

    I think it also depends on where you are in life. Way back when I was single, living along and with little to no responsibilities doing 40 hours wasn’t an issue. I would wake up at 6, hit the gym, do 8 hours of work, pickup takeaway, eat and then I pretty much have the rest of the day free (minus the occasional chore).

    I lived close to work so daily commute time was 1 hour, gym and takeaway places were on the route. Add in 1 hour in the gym and after work, commute and gym I still had 6 hours of free time with 8 hours of sleep.

    Now I do 32 hours a week and I don’t commute, but I have a family. Even with reduced workload I get 2-3 hours of personal time. ~1 hour comes from reduced workload and 1 hour comes from less sleep and the last hour comes from not hitting the gym. If I lived like I used to I’d have no free time and I’d have to make even more compromises about my time just to have some personal time. And let’s face it, working remotely means I definitely don’t spend the entire 6 or 6.5 hours on work. I have so many other responsibilities that doing less work is absolutely having an impact on my life and well-being.

    I can’t fathom how people with families can do full 40 hours and find time to spend with their kids and find time to for self. I think they probably don’t find all that time. I think they’re compromising where they can and that mostly happens with themselves and their children, work is not compromised.

  • Clearly you haven’t been pumped up on adrenaline. It can absolutely give you the confidence to act like he did.

    And don’t you think it’s a bit contradictory to not have the gusto to throw your fist in the air after being shot but being stone cold calm before getting shot? If it was planned Trump would’ve known he’s going to get shot at and like the coward he is he wouldn’t have just stared at the shooter.

    Also we don’t know the cartridge of the weapon but if the weapon used 556 or 223, then it’s very unlikely it was staged because those would shred Trump if they actually hit him. If it was 9mm or 22 it would be more believable, but even then would you really risk killing the candidate just to prop up votes? He didn’t seem to be wearing a BP vest so even smaller rounds would have been life threatening.

    I very much doubt it was staged or false flag or anything of the sorts. It just doesn’t make sense to me. Trump should get an Oscar if it was planned that way.

  • From a Marxist perspective socialism needs a state. Marx defines socialism as a transitional step to move from capitalism to communism. Marx left it open how communism would be achieved but he did believe that state is necessary for that transition. In his mind the state will be abolished once communism has been effectively achieved. This means the existence of a state is important to socialism, according to Marxism.

  • GoodEye8@lemm.eeto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneraytracing rule
    10 months ago

    The biggest reason your not seeing much benefit is because a) the tech hasn’t matured to a point where rasterization techniques can’t produce the same effect and b) devs aren’t developing games with raytracing in mind.

    Honestly, the most impressive examples of raytracing have been Nvidias tech demos, more specifically Quake 2 RTX and Minecraft RTX textures.

    It’s gonna take time for raytracing to impress but when it does it’s going to blow your mind.

  • There’s a difference between admiring Amazon’s success and attributing that success to Bezos. Amazon’s success from that elephant in the room that you pretty quickly glossed over, the employees. Did Bezos come up with AWS? No. Do you think he directly contributed to its success? No. But who takes credit and profits from that? Bezos and the board. This is what people mean when they say there’s no such thing as a “deserving billionaire”. The only reason Bezos is a billionaire is because he owns the company. His actual labor contributions definitely haven’t been even close to being worth a billion, but because of the work of others he has a worth of a hundred billion. If you took the entire worth of Bezos and distributed it evenly between all Amazon employees then every employee of Amazon would be a millionaire. And there’s an entire board just profiting from the actual work people in Amazon are doing. But what do those workers get for that work? Having to piss in bottles to not lose their job.

    You can admire Amazon for what it was able to achieve, but let’s not act like Bezos or the board are the reason Amazon is successful. Bezos and the board are the reason Amazon is so shitty and the company would be better off without them.

  • While true I think, as long as you’re not some kind of an extremist, your political views don’t matter that much, unless you’re in America. Most people have their opinions vary on the political spectrum, some views are conservative while others are liberal. But in America it seems like you’re either 100% liberal or 100% conservative and anything inbetween is hated by both sides. So you have to know if they’re with you or against you.

  • I think it’s hard to estimate how much effort corporations put into getting us to do what they want. If you’ve ever looked at why the public transportation in the US is shit you’d know there’s something suspicious going on with it.

    US used to have cities that are great for public transportation, the grid design of the 1920s is excellent or public transportation. Some cities like NY still have that but cities like Detroit spent decades destroying that to build a highway going straight through the city. Suburbs in America are being built in a way that only suits car travel. And not just that, people have been conditioned to think that only poor people would use public transportation. Not only have been people made to believe they don’t want public transportation, they couldn’t have it even if they wanted to because it would be horribly inefficient.

    Who benefits from those decisions? Definitely not the people who are now dependent on owning cars. But I’m pretty sure car manufacturers and oil companies are pretty happy because they get to sell more cars and oil. Now I can’t point the finger at that those companies because there’s no evidence they influenced this, at least none that I know of. But it’s awfully convenient for them that when the car boom happened in the 50s the US government was happy to spend money literally rebuilding cities to make them more car dependent and keep at it, while the same thing was stopped in Europe pretty quickly.

    I don’t mind giving off some conspiracy theorist vibe, but I don’t think it’s far fetched that corporations are entities that put money above everything else and if needless polluting let’s them make more money they will do it without hesitation. I wouldn’t put it past them to deliberately build the narrative that somehow the people are to blame for this polluting. After all EXXON started the “is it even real?” and “is it even man made?” arguments that regular people used for decades to derail the climate change discussions, all with the purpose of shifting attention away from them. It’s literally their MO.

  • And regarding duplication, you can see something similar in Reddit where you end up with multiple subreddits with just sightly different naming but with the exact same purpose. I really don’t see how people see that as an issue. Eventually it’ll solve itself like it did in Reddit, people just join the biggest community and the rest die out.

    But multiple communities would be much better because if one goes down or gets defederated or just goes to shit the community as a whole would still exist. It just needs a separate content aggregation layer so that all content from the same communities end up in a single feed.