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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • As much as I love fanfic and stuff, I gotta say, without sitting here and digging too deep…

    What domestic communists? In the US right now the number of actual leftists* is so fucking tiny. Educated or at least willing to listen to those who are? I’d be generous to say it’s even 1% of the population. Things can change, sure, but they barely changed in the last 2-3 decades where material conditions have rapidly fallen for the average US citizen. In 1960 I get why it would be difficult to convert the average white dude. In 2023 they should already be in the streets doing insert FBI would love me to say stuff here things. But the reality is… they just aren’t. There’s reasons for it, it’s on purpose obviously, but it’s still happening. Whatever actual left movement could exist simply does not at this point.

    And just a small thing. Unless you’re talking 200 years from now in a totally different world, there will NEVER be some anti imperialist land invasion of the US. If even seriously considered by nations powerful enough (China basically right now but a coalition could form within Africa or whatever) it would end pretty quickly in nuclear exchange and ending of the world effectively for humans. The most likely thing is the world trying to ignore the US and let it just collapse on itself and never bother with some risky and impossible liberation of NA mission.

    *my simple definition is anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist (which as an American basically means anti-US military. Weirdly hard hurdle for many!), anti-NATO, anti-colonialism in all forms. Probably some other stuff too but that’s like the low bar and it can’t be just statements but rather principled takes which can be articulated to some degree. Claiming to support Palestine then also saying Israel has a right to exist, for example, is not acceptable to me. I’ll accept blind “USA BAD!” As a fill-in.)

  • The truly amazing thing to me is all the liberals who still think the politics of Obama or Biden, etc. will somehow help anything or save anyone. Even from a selfish American standpoint, their only standpoint of course, what the fuck do they think Obama did for them? I mean goddamn Biden is the first president in decades it feels like to do ANYTHING positive (pulling out of Afghanistan finally but of course that was no good he had to plunge immediately into Ukraine/Russia bullshit 🤦‍♂️). A bar so low you’d pass it purely by accident.

    “We” are so fucked. The dollar stuff ultimately is kinda meh but it’s another stone in a bucket labeled “US collapse.” It’s really really fucking sad but at this point I think the best short term outcome, ie the next president, is someone who DOES openly acknowledge “it’s over. Let’s negotiate a dignified step down.” Biden has shown that won’t be him. Trump is probably too nationalistic and the hogs in his cabinet would absolutely never allow it (imagine “genocide is fun” John Bolton ever engaging in good faith with China or some collective of African nations. He’d be smashing the invade button the whole time). So, I dunno, at the risk of realistic doomerism… we’re fucked. There will be no nice dignified stepping aside or sharing power. It’s all gonna get ridden full blast into the ground and we’ll probably all die along the way. Hopefully the whales or squid that take over the world some day do better.

  • That’s a stretch even by normal weirdo right wing standards. Maybe like DURING the “lockdowns” (which never really happened in the UK to my knowledge. It was like the US where they said a thing but didn’t do anything and every business claimed to be essential so nothing really happened…) maybe you could argue “these lockdowns are causing unnecessary backlog, doctors aren’t coming to work, everyone’s teeth are rotting!” (Which, again, there was like MAYBE a couple weeks-few months period where shit was fucky in the US and to my knowledge similar in the UK).

    I don’t even know why I’m bothering to dig for logic in what is just a “I didn’t like mask! Mask was bad! China virus fake! But also real!” mindset.