20 pack of Sharpies at Costco…
20 pack of Sharpies at Costco…
Have you encountered raccoons? I’ve met racoons they’ll steal everything from you in a heartbeat, and the mask is a dead giveaway. You think the guys roommate would complain about the raccoons of they came by to do his laundry instead of stealing all his stuff. Laveur is just a typo, Erwin Guttenburger admitted it in 1678 that he tripped while putting the letters in the press for the wildlife almanach. It went out as Raton-loveur at first. Correcting the error would throw the whole books layout out of alignment so the next edition was changed by replacing the O for an A, to put an end to that weird new fetish that was gaining popularity among the literate elite.
Raton-Voleur. In french, thieving ratlets.
When the military brain washer scrub too hard they sometime make the brain smooth.