A good way to tell the difference between a bee and a wasp is hair. Bees are fluffy like a cute little dog. Wasps are hairless and cruel like my father, who I become more like every time I look in the mirror.
A good way to tell the difference between a bee and a wasp is hair. Bees are fluffy like a cute little dog. Wasps are hairless and cruel like my father, who I become more like every time I look in the mirror.
Ah I use Sync for Lemmy as my main client which sometimes just does this to long vertical images.
It’s normally a long image thing. Because this is multiple full resolution images stitched together vertically, the hosting site compresses it’s dimensions, even if it’s not that large of a file.
If you’re like me and this image is too compressed to read, here’s the tumblr link.
The game is least forgiving in the first few days, after that, it really opens out into people remembering the choices you’ve made in the game. Even if you’ve still been making bad choices, it’s pretty fun from there.
It’s reasonably safe to Google, it’s about this letter where the FBI encourage Martin Luther King Jr. to commit suicide, using particularly abusive, dehumanising and degrading language. The content of the letter isn’t necessarily hard to read the if you want to read it, particularly as it didn’t work, but it’s still bad to know that this was an official government plot.
Oh man I didn’t actually know about this, it’s enormously fucked up and absolutely unsurprising.
Although you could travel the land. Perhaps not cross the Sahara but if you lived in the Roman world, you could quite easily take some years to walk off the edge of the map and just explore. There would of course be a good chance of death from illness, animal or person, but equally like today, you may also meet plenty of kind people who would let you stay and maybe even share their knowledge of the area and culture.
You gotta pretend it’s slipped out and you didn’t wanna make that noise. That’s the killer.
I get so deeply sad when I remember this story that it actually puts me off the meme, what a horrible way to go.
The third one down almost certainly intentionally has the numbers 14 and 88 as a reference to a nazi dog whistle.
I can’t decide if this makes it more likely to be satire or less.
Yarr that be true matey.
Hell yeah I should have said that really. My friend has an embroidery machine and we use inkstitch for inkscape to do that.
I don’t really move between lightroom, inkscape and Photoshop often but I do move between premier pro, after effects and audition often enough via the way they embed into eachother, and I presume there is similar functionality between those. This helps cement me using something like audition over audacity just because I’m trained on premier pro and don’t wanna retrain on DaVinci Resolve.
It’s sad to say but Photoshop smokes basically all of its competitors except the ones that get into a specificic niche, but even then stuff like illustrator and lightroom compete well in that marketplace.
Photoshop may not be FOSS but it may as well be considered free due to the rampant piracy. I frequently recommend it forgetting it’s a subscription based Ad*be made product.
Combining it with the goose is good
In case internet sarcasm is sneaking past, the entire thing is a joke centered on the fact that Tom yells out after saying xnopyt. In the original video this is just to say the second word but people typically make edits and jokes that somehow it’s some pain or fear caused by saying xnopyt.
My 980ti is still a toss up between amazing or mediocre performance. The big issue is that I bought it for £600 which is a lot of money to me, and new GPUs are 3 times that, or more.
One thing I don’t really ever coming across in the harry potter books were people being exhausted by powerful spells, perhaps I just can’t remember a case where that happens.
It’s always portrayed that you need a base magical ability and then from then all it’s all knowhow.
SimCity getting absolutely annihilated from existence be releasing a corrupt flop of a game just before city skylines offered a much better base game out of the box is something I wish would happen more with games that singularly rule their subgenre (The Sims, I’m looking at you).