This is why Linux is objectively superior. Machine, do as I command!
This is why Linux is objectively superior. Machine, do as I command!
Ahh, that doesn’t help then. How much heat, could dehydration? Otherwise I guess the only option left is alcohol.
How long did it take them to work out jam exists?
Is it simping when Steam is just better though? So many useful things that Epic doesn’t have. Especially on the Linux side.
Fortunately I won’t have to, because I live in the UK. But if that the nazis come here I have some queer friends that I will join for a molotov party.
I mean a horse is certainly bigger than anything I have had to kill, I will give you that.
But I went with spear because it’s typically the weapon of choice against cavalry, it gives you distance reducing the chance you get kicked. You can also place multiple spears around you to protect your location, or make traps and scare it into running into them.
If you get prep time surely its easy? What is the horse going to do, I can just make a few spears and set a stick on fire to wave in its face to scare it.
Is that what he is known for now?