• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Came here to dunk on the idea of any positive correlation between kindness and trustworthiness, found a bunch of “holistic” non-sense mixed with good intentions. That said …

    I prefer blunt people and trustworthy results. End-of-the-day, I don’t care about intentions and goodwild outside of direct, inter-personal interactions. Considering intentions first over results as a cultural value is a concept I don’t often even encounter, but good on you.

    I can live with quite a few otherwise substandard things in my life where I know they came from a place of love, but that brakes down versus strangers rather quickly, and corporations? I would sooner slash their tires for shits-n-giggles, or send my first-born off to be raised by sketchy fae creatures, than ever trust their intentions. In my country, they(corporations) are, by law and definition, the worst sorts of “people”. They ARE the real inhuman other our grandparents warned us about, made manifest.

    All that said, good on you for being so eager to trust and abide. I hope it works out for you.

  • I’ve decided I want one, just because NO ONE will question whatever mods I choose to make to it. The questions about why I bought it in the first place will never cease, but why make it as close to a DeLorean time machine as a fucking “truck” can look? Not a peep.

    … having come up with the BTF thing just for this comment, I’ve realized: Backwards, its actually a good fit. Shame about what it would do to road visibility.