Maoo [none/use name]

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • UA, and by that I mean its state, has been a naked pawn since 2014, responding to Western interests to stoke and prolong civil war by the Russian border, target ethnic Russians with discrimination and violence (and Roma, and LGBTQ+ people, etc), and generally toy with joining NATO, a highly aggressive anti-Russian military organization.

    The dominant Western propaganda narrative is to try to get everyone to forget the breathless reporting their media outlets did on Ukraine from 2013-2022 and to instead use absurd little terms like, “unprovoked invasion”, which I would guess is also where the idea of UA being simply defensive comes from. Yes, they were invaded by Russia, but they’ve also been ratcheting up pressure on Russia for a decade through various cynical moves, beginning with a coup against a government that was becoming slightly friendlier with Russia. The most notable events just prior to the RF invading was a huge ramping up of shelling of the Donbas, including civilian population centers.

    Anyways, yes it is bad to keep pushing the “escalate and fight to the last Ukrainian button”. It would be much better if Ukraine were forced to negotiate peace and were not acting as a pawn against Russia rather than a state protecting its own people.

    I’d like Ukrainians to be alive and not in a war.

  • Maoo [none/use name]@hexbear.netto> Greentext@lemmy.mlClassic 3/?
    1 year ago

    Its called the CCP in English.

    It’s called the CPC in English by China, and has been the whole time. Chinese people, including their government, also publish in English.

    Folks that say CCP are demonstrating one of two things:

    1. They know better but want to play up little cold war word games in their favor.

    2. They don’t know better and got easily propagandized by the former. Most people are like this. Starts on the 4th paragraph.

    lol. lmao.

    Follow your sources and compare them to the claims.

    Don’t need to know hebrew to know the holocaust was bad.

    Neat antisemitism. The holocaust was carried out against people who spoke a variety of languages, including Germanic and Slavic languages, Yiddish, etc. Hebrew was often limited to specific religious events. Jewish people spoke the languages of the societies they were part of.

    The corrolary, if you still wanted to make one, would be, “you don’t have to speak Polish/German/Ukrainian/Russian/some baltic languages to know the holocaust was bad”.

    Still wouldn’t fit, though, because the holocaust is extraordinarily well-evidenced, well-established fact. In contrast, the claims made about the treatment of Uyghurs are an active matter with dubious characters with clear anti-China interests making most of the claims and with very little evidence. It is germane to point out that most roads lead to a casually antisemitic anticommunist (literally part of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation) that can’t speak or read Chinese, let alone Uyghur. That this guy is who is the trusted source for the ever-escalating but poorly-evidenced claims, including and up to genocide.