Gravel ofc. Just imagine being able to provide every construction site on earth with cheap gravel with no cost at all. I’d be the first billionaire on earth who didn’t fuck other people over to be absurdly rich.
Gravel ofc. Just imagine being able to provide every construction site on earth with cheap gravel with no cost at all. I’d be the first billionaire on earth who didn’t fuck other people over to be absurdly rich.
There are aspects of economy that certainly should be centrally planned though. A few industries that come to mind are transportation infrastructure and power generation. Private competition is good for most industries but it should never be allowed to dismantle public services for profit. When capitalism arrived in my country in the 90s it devastated our rail network since profit became more important than providing people with transportation services. There are cities of around 80k population that don’t have any rail connections now, some cities twice as large have sparse or barely any connections.