Tęsknię za krajem w którym wychowywał się mój ojciec і за країною в якій виросла моя мати. Native Polish speaker. I know English. Cyrillic too but I’m no expert on the languages.
Huh, neat. Still not sure about the message though.
I wanted to click the plus to expand the image that’s shown in the link so I could see it without entering the link just to learn that feature was deleted in the newest GUI update. Damn tankies, forcing me to read!
To prawda, mamy nawet fotografię
A tak przy okazji, skąd masz ten obrazek?
Just like Rumia, which is probably why she’s the yokai of darkness.
I feel the same though I feel the “we’re so fucked” factor way more significantly because of where I live and me being the only one in pretty much my entire family to hold such views.
Great point, didn’t cross my mind.