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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 27th, 2023

  • PhlubbaDubba@lemm.eetoMap Enthusiasts@sopuli.xyzRoman World
    4 months ago

    The harsh realities of Central Asian trench warfare as the Romans continue expanding in bursts and booms with developments in transportation and communication tech allowing greater and greater consolidation of what they have. Even the once mighty Persians are now only another saga told by Latin poets inhabiting a collection of provinces as Roman as Gaul or Germania Magna like the Carthaginians of old.

    The wars narrow down to Samarkand as the two great empires tear apart the wide open landscapes of the Steppe to decide who will consume who.

    The various Indian kingdoms have thrown in mostly with China knowing the tide is coming for them next, but Rome has made allies in Nusantara and Tamil country through the trade potential to all of them in cracking the jade egg.

    China’s already played their surprise card deploying their latest in gunpowder warfare technology, but the Romans have adapted in the most Roman way they possibly could, refining the digging process to allow soldiers to form a moving trench line that can crawl up against an enemy while allowing the soldiers to always be easily within cover. Roman propoganda now toutes the shovel as the symbol of Roman discipline and rank coordination.

    With this stalemate an espionage operation is launched, two monks dispatched by the Emperor’s secret order board a train bound for Nanqing. The Emperor has learned that the Middle Empire is transporting plans for the latest industrial marvel they’ve pulled out their asses to counter Rome’s uncountable numbers. The monks are charged to seize the plans if possible, and make sure they never reach Nanqing if not.

    Appropriately alt hist while also being a call out to a real heist that actually happened in real history, that being when Justinian ordered two monks to sneak into China, steal live silk worms, and make it back to Rome so that Rome could destroy China’s monopoly on the stuff, and IIRC they pulled it off.

  • I’m not so sure this is accurate, the Romans certainly knew of China at least, to them it was called Serica, and they believed in a Manifest Destiny myth that they would one day conquer it.

    Which would have been fukkin’ wild if it did play out, I think by that point the capital would have moved to Samarkand or somewhere else in Central Asia just to be able to maintain regulation over the silk road.

  • No, I understand you just fine, your a priv who knows you’ll be fine either way, so you leverage that to attempt extracting concessions from Women, PoC, and Queer folks while waxing ethical about teaching the establishment a lesson by treating them to our deaths if they don’t comply with you as if they’re an autocratic monolith who can just cave and give you what you want without any process or persuasion.

    You’re a vote karen, you’re demanding to see the party’s manager and until us lowlies customer service face it up for you and bring them to you you’ll see fit to torment us with the specter of you letting the fascists into power to have at us.

    If you’re someone who feels confident negotiating, you’re the exact fucking last person who should be right now, because you’ll inherently be talking over the people in greatest need right now.

    You prefer us as martyrs for your cause to us being agents for our own.

  • Maybe if assholes like you didn’t have to be persuaded she wouldn’t be the only fucking Palestinian in Congress and wouldn’t have been ganged up on!

    Also, the is doing a shitton of work in that sentence when 188 Democrats out of the 200 didn’t do that but ok Priv tell me, the Palestinian here, why you get to hand me to the fascists because of what they, the fascists, did to one of my kin.

  • Imagine being such a priv that you have to make it between for or against a candidate instead of being for all the people who’ll be put in life threatening danger when you don’t show the solidarity you priv self proclaimed holier thans demand from us lowlies for whom the difference is lived every fucking day.

    Does Biden providing aid to Israel suck? Yeah. You know what sucks more? Having TruckNut McGee feel comfortable calling my Palestinian ass that lives here right now a Sand Nigger and socking me in the street before telling me to be grateful he didn’t bring a rope.

    That’s what you support when you don’t vote, or when you vote third party. That’s not shaming, that’s not bullying, that’s the mathematical fact that your non vote is the same as voting for what happens without it, and the moral fact that being fine not voting or voting third party is admitting you live where you’ll be fine whatever happens to us lowlies you deign to tone police and negotiate with as if we’re on equal terms.

    MLK wrote the Letter talking about white folks who talk the talk but hesitate or even get hostile when asked to walk the walk and show solidarity, you are the fucking picture of that Ally on Paper ya fuckin’ priv.

  • Because only a priv would understand the current situation as an opportunity to force concessions?

    You’re fucking admitting to all of us that your brain is in the space of leveraging that people will die to make them satisfy your demands, which means you probably expect to be fucking fine and dandy once us Queer folks PoC and Women are done being punished for prioritizing our own survival over reminding you once again that Biden passed the most impactful climate legislation in a generation, the most impactful welfare and infrastructure legislation since the great society, made a strong push to codify roe that died in the Senate, and has used his relatively pro-israel public appearance to get dozens of Palestinians held hostage in Israel freed and won Gaza the ability to access their offshore natural gas once the war is over.

    If you feel confident to negotiate, negotiating is an act of betrayal. Show literally an ounce of the solidarity you so often demand of the rest of us.