What’s up with those two “e”s?
What’s up with those two “e”s?
I would think the lower half would be the last name… but I have no idea why I think that way…
As long as it includes burgers and fries, I’ll handle 5 guys
Experienced this when I went to Barcelona a few years back. Lovely city, but stepping out into the street felt like stepping into a cigar bar.
Or maybe it tastes… rad?
That tingling feeling means it’s working.
Gotta make sure you’re not smuggling puppies into their precious shelter.
I hope that is encouraging to you OP :D
I’ve been saying this for years tbh
Well, I certainly don’t want Sisyphus’ boulder to be left out in the cold. Better destroy the ship, then.
Well then I definitely don’t want anything from there…
THE SOUND! YES! NOOOOOOOOOO, I can’t get it outta my head now
But it is from that comic right?! I’m too afraid to look :(
Is this a still from that Korean horror comic about the woman looking for her baby? 0.o
“Just stay with me. I’ll get you there.”
Holy shit this is some #theydidthemath stuff.
6 months at paying full price for the foam is a ridiculously quick turnaround given the lifespan of a fridge (easily 5 years). Plus, you can probably reuse the prior fridge’s foam on the next fridge, so that makes it even better.
Why don’t people do this more often? If the gap in my current “fridge space” wasn’t so small already, I’d be tempted to go find some foam.
Excellent point about getting styrofoam for free (I hadn’t even thought of that). With that in mind, the only cost would be for time spent gathering the foam and then covering the fridge (I could probably do this in less than an hour, tbh).
Thanks for this comment!
Wrong on so many levels