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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 3rd, 2023

  • Get chewing gum and take one on take off and later descent, it helps with pressure release for the ear’s.

    Don’t get worried about the noise the aircraft makes when flaps or gears travel.

    If the flight is longer try to get a place at the walkway , you could stretch the legs out.

    It’s is nicer to sit in front of the wing area, less noise and flight path changes are more easy to handle.

    Don’t sit near toilet’s, smell and traffic during flights.

  • Soldering iron with needle tip, hot and full of tin. Power plug stuck in the extension cord connector.

    Took the iron pointing towards me in the right hand together with the cord plug and pulled … Plug suddenly came free and the hot iron tip stuck in my left arm.

    Pulled it out and it was clean, hole in the arm filled with tin residues. Didn’t hurt to much because nerves were dead around the hole.

    Went straight to the hospital, took 3 weeks and a lot of cleaning to get the wound clean.

  • PC Software that calculates the optimal distribution for rotor fan blades.

    Android Software for helping me picking food. Two different versions, both using databases and are offline usable.

    A third Software that is connected to a server structure and collects parts picked by user, creating excel format parts lists.

    I am an autodidact when it comes to programming and grew up in times of basic and pascal, before anyone even talked about C.

    So I never jumped of basic and used xojo and B4X to develop my software. I know its not C, Java, python or swift but my Software works perfect on PC or as an app on android.