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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • My God. Multiple times I’ve been on that screen in the past. But every time, I’ll have no idea how I got there. I’ve tried to get back, but the best I had was on a magazine’s page at the very bottom.

    Thank you for showing this.

    My opinion? This is AWFUL design. That a second settings button is THERE is unbelievable. Maybe I’m not hip to how the fediverse exactly works, but this doesn’t feel like the right route to that stuff.

  • I don’t think this is unique to any religion.

    Religion is all inherently centered around trust in falsehoods. They mix it with normal philosophy, But due to the way our brains and imaginations work in relation to fear and tribal survival instincts, they get jumbled up, and the philosophy stagnates the same way the belief in imagined things does.

    In other words, I view all religions as literal cult practices of irrationality and fear. Varying levels, for sure, but it’s the defining trait of religion.

    That being said, as long as those people practice modern respect for others’ autonomous free wills, I don’t have a problem with them. I just also think that the defining trait of religion is conducive to not doing that.