• 5 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: April 3rd, 2024


  • It’s all appeal to emotion

    A good narrative is captivating. It’s really simple and comforting to know that the world is good vs evil and you’re on the good side. Those guys are on the devil’s side and we must stop them at all costs or it will be THE END OF AMERICA!! ** Dramatic yelling **

    It’s easy to convince less educated people using fear and misdirection. What are they gonna do? Check the sources and think critically about the topic? Lol

    Convincing someone that thinks you’re their mortal enemy is difficult. That’s why you have to be their best friend. Show them that you care for their opinion and ask them to explain to you. Show genuine curiosity and then give them something to think about.

    “Hey, I see your point man, but I don’t know enough about this so I’m not sure. Hey I’ve found this article that has some interesting points. What do you think?”

    It’s not easy but I think this is what really creates change

  • Remember to be your enemy’s best friend!

    when you criticize someone your objective is to help them form a better opinion. If you simply point out that their opinion is wrong it’s likely that they will consider your argument as an attack on their values or self. At this point the argumentation is of no value

    Instead talk to them like you would talk to your best friend. Listen and try to understand where their concern comes from, and ask questions that make them have to analyse their own opinions.

    You need to help them see what their biases/emotions won’t let them. It takes patience and compassion.

  • Pulls existence from the void

    This point is highly dependent on whether or not you believe there is some sort of soul or existence before birth. I cannot argue on this point since this is pure belief, so I will accept your view for the sake of the discussion

    Questions how not doing so could have prevented suffering

    You could say it prevents suffering, but it also prevents Joy, Love, Friendship. Sure it also prevents Sadness and Grief and so on. It prevents everything by way of not giving life a chance.

    If you think you cannot provide a happy life to your children then it’s perfectly valid to not want children. But it’s egoistic to think that other people should not have kids because of your own world view.

    Many Antinatalists believe that life in the current world is filled with so much suffering that it’s not worth being born.

    But that’s like… Your opinion man! Let people make their own choices

  • It’s a meme. It’s just trying to say that Biden is embarrassing and/or a bad candidate

    His party dropping him would only guarantee that trump is elected. It would be a dumb move and it obviously won’t happen.

    You might not like Biden, but against a twice impeached, insurrectionist felon, I would vote for Biden every time

  • Yes, fruits. But not vegetables overall. Animal skin has vitamin C. So it’s possible to acquire it with a meat diet depending on what you eat.

    Of course you can fill this gap with citrus fruits. C it’s not a big problem nowadays since there are fruits easily available. Historically tribes that lived in ICU areas had to eat the animal skin and organs to have enough vitamins. Maybe that part was too specific and unnecessary

  • You decide. Please do whatever is healthy to you and Minimize your carbon production as best as you can.

    Going vegan is not right for everyone. With any vegan/vegetarian diet it’s important to make sure you’re eating enough proteins, iron and vitamin C. These are the 3 main components of meat that are not found on most common vegetables.

    Please take care of yourself, pay attention to your diet and consult with a nutritionist if you feel indisposed after switching to a new diet.