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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2023

  • No urban designer or transportation expert thinks that cars scale with population. Talking about rural and small cities is the opposite of scaling with population. Car dependent big cities like LA or Houston have hellish traffic.

    At least have a cursory look at the link I posted in my last comment. Cars play a huge role in bad land use. This is why they have an enormous effect on housing supply.

    You seem to be lost. You made the point that walking from a train station to your final destination was some major problem. I’m not even sure what point you think your last paragraph is responding to. Yes America is bigger than a few blocks. So is Europe and China. So what?

  • nowhere near where I live

    Even the Netherlands or Japan have many places where only travel by car makes sense. We will always need some cars. Maybe your situation is like that. But your personal situation doesn’t dictate whether or not it makes sense for society to build a lot more trains, which is what we’re talking about.

    Also, describing how much less convenient trains are for you presently than driving is kind of missing the point. Everyone already agrees that train lines don’t exist to service many places. We’re not talking about what exists now, but how things should change.

  • Cars are even more restricted in travel time. Unlike trains, which typically come multiple times an hour, car travel has to be planned around rush hour and gridlock.

    Honestly, I don’t even know how we can be debating this. Car dependence is a dead end. Cars don’t scale because a linear increase in drivers requires a non-linear increase in surface area. Car dependence makes it impossible to meet our climate goals. These catastrophic failures are so much worse than needing to walk a few blocks. There are so many flaws that car people just fail refuse to see.

  • Not arguing about what the actual traffic laws are. I am arguing that this is objectively confusing design. “Left turn yield on green (CIRCLE)” does not mean that left turn yields on green. It means, “when turning left, but the solid light is green, and the left turn arrow is not lit up, yield to oncoming traffic. But if the solid light is green and the left turn arrow is lit, then do not yield.” So you literally do not yield on green.

    Sure you can just tell people to “please learn the road signs” no matter how terrible… or we can acknowledge that this is an asinine design. I have no idea why anyone would spend energy defending this.