I think you have a reading comprehension problem. The title says “the internet has ruined ME” “not the internet ruins us” it implicitly says it’s a them problem
I think you have a reading comprehension problem. The title says “the internet has ruined ME” “not the internet ruins us” it implicitly says it’s a them problem
Gay porn is the second most popular genre among female pornhub visitors. Right behind lesbian porn.
This is probably Middle English. Old English is harder to read https://ang.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frogga
This is like Frisian and English mixed together. As a Dutch man I could stil read this. Except had to figure out that ſ is an s
In many languages blue and green are the same word. For example Japanese didn’t have a separate word for green for centuries. Then they started using midori for green. And midori just means sprout and for a long while just meant greenish blue and not a separate distinct color. Like how we use Peach for a shade of Orange.
While Midori means a distinct green nowadays. The non distinction of blue and green from the past can still be seen today. Like green apples are called Ao Ringo which we would translate to blue apples. Or green bamboo is called blue bamboo Aodake.
It’s also why traffic lights in Japan are blueish green. Since in their traffic code they use the word Ao for Go, so blue (but also green) and not Midori. In the beginning the go light was just green as the international traffic code dictates, but some people objected since the traffic code says Ao and not Midori thus they compromised and made it blueish green.
Also young kids often mix up blue and green when they are still learning the colors. Same with red and orange.
On the other hand in Italy you’d be wrong if you call the color of the jersey of the Italian soccer team blue. It’s Azzurro (azure) which is a distinct color in Italian, while it’s just a shade of blue in most other languages
And you, sir, are you waiting to receive my limp penis?
Of course the Dutch have the c, as in colonized
You have to pay toll for the road first
Absolutely, and this speaks directly to the mission-critical need for leveraging granular vertical ownership within a hyper-synergistic deliverables matrix. By activating the core bandwidth of specialized resource nodes to engage in omni-channel interfacing and personal brand elevation, we catalyze exponential paradigmatic growth curves. It’s about more than role-based alignment — this is a cross-pollination of iterative thought leadership within a frictionless eco-agnostic value proposition. Empowering niche operatives as holistic touchpoint evangelists not only recalibrates the proactive-dependency continuum but also realigns our quantum KPIs toward a next-gen Six Sigma trajectory of holistic disruption and enterprise-level harmonization.
Yeah he switched to pandering to MAGAts and the manosphere because he saw how easy it is to manipulate these idiots. Like ten years ago he tried to paint himself as a environmentalist but he quickly found out that people who care about the environment aren’t gullible
Germans calling them Pistazie lol
Also his ultimate goal is to become a trillionaire. Because he thinks we live in a simulation and that he is the main player and he wants to beat the high score. And he found out the best way to achieve that is to create a cult around him. Tesla stock only soared to those heights because of him as a person not because the company’s performance. People are buying Tesla stock like it’s a tithe to the Elon church. And to keep people in the cult of Elon he sows division. The more negativity surrounding him from outsiders the more his cult followers will dig their heels into the ground and buy more of his stocks and products.
The stranger:
And the one after that will be Gen RTM (release to manufacturing) since they will be born in an artificial womb in a factory.
They are in the 15th percentile. So they think they are in the top 15%
That’s just Roquefort