More active on Bsky lately. Come check out the Starfleet Press Office!
So why am I to find this crap in Lidl?
Because it’s fucking Lidl.
Oh trust me. As a Canadian, I have opinions. Just trying to be semi-polite. At least until the trade war actually begins. MAPLE SYRUP IN MY VEIIIIIIIIIINS. Granted I’m Newfie so it is maple syrup and salt water but still. VEIIIIIIIIIIINS.
Welcome to the family <3
Edit: Y’all, I offered a kind welcome. I did not weigh in on the discussion or make any other stance. The fact you’re just instantly downvoting kindness on that front and ascribing your own meanings to my statement is really disappointing. Please don’t think you know what I am thinking or what I’m saying on that front. I was simply being polite.
Sorry, I was unclear there. I had my wording all fucked up.
There are two parts to the ‘nobody’ thing. The first is the word nobody and then the second is the silence after it. It’s to denote that no one anywhere had ever thought or heard a particular thing. Then another group comes in as part of the meme and asks that particular question. To turn the meme into a sentence it would be:
“Not a single living soul in creation had ever expressed this idea but suddenly, one day, a group of Star Trek fans asked something fucked up for the very first time.”
Whether it’s fucked up or interesting or whatever is denoted by the general context or feeling that the question/idea gives. In this case it would be fucked up.
The nobody stands for never thinking nor asking the particular thing that follows
Anal prep. Usually a sign of douching.
Man… If I wasn’t already a recovering alcoholic this would shove me into sobriety so hard
I will always upvote a 30 Rock Reference
I will never understand how EA went from the game company everyone knew and quoted with that “Its in the game!” slogan to a laughing stock and poster child of shitty studios.
Oh please post this to !
Holy. Shit. The visuals of Polandball have gotten insanely crisp in comparison to the Microsoft Paint jank.
Bro if that shit failed to perform then it’s on them for failing to manufacture enough. The demand was there. And it out performed the Xbox whateverthefucknow.
Can’t discuss it. You don’t have O-5 clearance.
To be fair, this isn’t exactly an uncommon thing for Lidl. Have something absolutely insane for no reason whatsoever.