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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 21st, 2023


  • I love the idea of trains, have always loved trains when I was younger, and until very recently had never been on one. My brother purchased tickets for me and my boyfriend to go visit him and so I was very excited to finally get on the train. The thing i didnt really think about was the fact that I get car sick in SUVs and trucks if im not driving because of the softness of the suspension and body roll. The train is a bit bouncy. The trip down was me sleeping for like 30 mins or so, getting up to throw up in the bathroom, repeat for about 19 hours. I felt terribly nauseous and had migrane the entire time.

    The trip back I was prepared, I had those anti-car sock glasses and some dramamine, I took it, fell asleep for about 8 hours. Woke up and was okay interms of not feeling sick or anything. But then the train stopped, not at a station, in the middle of a field. They told us there was some freight cargo on the line ahead and we had to wait for a moment. We were there for three hours. The lady next to us had a ticket for a different train to get on after this one, and it was for two hours after our scheduled arrival time. Well she missed it because we arrived 3 hours late.

    I know train infustructure would help, and I’ve always been a proponent of better public transport networks…but now I hate the train 😟. I would rather drive.