Had an Ender before and hated it.
I had a Maker Select Plus (i3 clone) and it was great…but extremely limited. I’m really looking forward to what I can do with an enclosed printer that doesn’t sling the bed around for the Y axis.
Some guy was printing a life sized T-Rex and his recommendation is what pushed me over the edge. Haven’t regretted it.
Damn. Lots of printing in pieces and then acetone fusing to get the parts together? Or glue? Sounds like an awesome project.
Hey, totally fair. I was looking at the CORE One, looks like an awesome printer! And a buddy of mine has a Voron he loves.
I’m not overly concerned, I’m not enough of a hobbyist to bother with alternate slicers or firmware or anything like that yet. Maybe someday I’ll get there. For now I’m just going to be thrilled to have an enclosed multi-material printer for under a grand. 😅