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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: January 28th, 2022

  • You might be right that it’s not an issue of conscious personal vendetta against migrants (although I wouldn’t necessarily count that out) or an explicit class war, but I also don’t think that either of those things are what most people (or at least not the ones who weren’t just obnoxiously meming it for the drama or for hot takes) were trying to point out.

    The comparison is meant to make us examine our priorities as a society. Why do we want to talk so much about these 5 rich people in the weird billionaire sub vs the migrant shipwreck? I do think it’s a valid theory that at least part of it is that as a society we place more significance and worth in the wealthy white folks. I think that a lot of it is probably also a ghoulish sort of rubbernecking impulse. The details of the sub story were weird and a bit morbid. Neither of those impulses are great, and I don’t think there’s any harm in pointing out the inequities and inviting some self reflection on where they come from.

    However, I don’t love the sort of snide, gleeful celebration of the death of the folks on the sub either. I understand the frustrations that it comes from, but I think the folks cracking jokes or celebrating those deaths ought to be doing as much self reflection as the folks that were ignoring or ignorant of the migrant deaths.

  • I guess christian socialist (or social democrat, but not super invested in that label). I generally think that we should be helping as many people as much as possible, and it seems to me like the state is a convenient way to organize that. I’m also not as opposed to incremental change as a lot of progressives seem to be, in that I understand that circumstances are dire for a lot of people so I think we should be moving in the direction of making things better in whatever ways we can, either large or small. I also think that collective, communal action outside of the state is good, but that it’s often hard to motivate people to help anyone outside their immediate social circle, and most people’s social circles are unfortunately very small and getting smaller all the time. I guess I really don’t spend a lot of time trying to put myself in a box or align with a particular movement, I just think we can and should do better for folks in whatever way we can manage.