Truth is denied those who seek it with both eyes closed.
Located on Deck 6, Room 2054. Mass evacuation site for decks 5-10.
I’m someone’s favorite.
Truth is denied those who seek it with both eyes closed.
“gender is a construct”
I can’t imagine wanting a wet sentence…
Perfectly put.
Everyone knows a popular book series.
Not everyone knows, or even cares about the author.
Exterminatus, brother Sister
The Emperor Protects
Maybe, but I’m not holding my breath.
The one who originally had the HP books came out a few years ago and her mother disowned her.
Her dad doesn’t seem to care as long as she’s happy, but he is standing by his wife’s shitty decision. I can only hope he’s trying to talk sense into her behind the scenes instead of being totally hands-off.
They joke, but I legitimately know people whose parents were the super Christian “any book about controversial topics is the devil and so are video games and TV” to the point where when she found out her daughter had Harry potter book, she burned every book of hers that wasn’t directly religious.
Well guess who decided to “give them a try” since “the author clearly has the right ideas about life” since all her children are out of the house and the only ones who bother visiting are the two with kids (who would never admit it but they’re only there for free babysitting and future help) and one who just doubled down into the religion despite witnessing the same bullshit as her siblings…
So yeah, this may have been intended as a joke, but they’re closer to the truth than they might know.
If you throw it sooper dooper hard, you might split some atoms and repel a lot of things.
I’ve heard the argument of “dozens of wild hogs” in relation to firearms so many times, I thought it was going to end with some kind of quip about “high-capacity magazines”
But you might be on to something here.
Can we look into limited release programs for wild hogs onto billionaires properties? all of them?
Allowed to?
Is it still legally binding should such joke events occur?
Also yes.
If I say “this company is not liable for any damages caused by sudden laser eyes (unless the laser is TRUE yellow)” well then, if someone suddenly develops yellow laser eyes using my product… Guess who’s on the hook for damages.
I want to believe
The World, according to fish.
I’d love to see a version of this map with river accesses, but I imagine it would be a cluster fuck to compile and make visually appealing, unless it’s an interactive map.
The longer they spend staring at me, the less time they have to harass minorities and beat their wives.
It’s a little more obvious when you don’t live near anyone, and they have to come down dirty country roads to park across from your property on a DWP service road, and pull out binoculars.
I used to grab my own, and wave at them energetically like I was excited to see them if I had to go somewhere.
A lot of people from my area who went out to escorts clinic-goers got the same treatment.
Nobody ever got stopped, but the moment you were seen doing nefarious things like protecting women seeking Healthcare from harassment or worse, you could expect a police tail within 5 minutes of getting behind the wheel, and cops slowly driving by your house at all hours.
I definitely had a huge decrease in lung capacity, and I definitely had my sense of taste permanently altered.
And I consider my issues to be mild compared to most people who have ongoing issues.
I know some people, like yourself, who are just in a perpetual state of “sick” and literally just stay locked in their houses all day. I can’t even imagine. Shit sucks, and that’s the understatement of the year.
And even if you ARE paranoid, it doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get you.
I could see an argument where “paranoia made you check your posts/comments or you wouldn’t have noticed”
But I’ve also noticed stuff like that simple because when I reply to a comment, I see the votes and notice there’s always a weird single down vote on almost everything.
So while I don’t think you are paranoid, I do see how one could try to argue that point.
Jokes on you, I can’t grow a beard.
Can I get the N2 delivery system? you don’t have to worry about installing anything, just keep breathing and you won’t even notice the installation.