PS you sent this comment twice
PS you sent this comment twice
you should post that!
woah that’s so cool
I want to live in the gas station underground things so bad. Imagine having a scateboard in there
omg I forgot about this: yesterday the person next to me went “9/11 happened in 2011, right?” UNIRONICALLY
I bestow upon you a gift:
stock photo of a grandma using an electric buggy
what’s the rabbit from?
ohhh ok I get it now. Thanks!
Can’t relate to this one personally, I just don’t care about the number. Also I have the programs 0-100, the desktops 0-100 and my DAC things turning knob, if I wanted it to be a specific number and still sound the same volume I could.
However my sister does do this to the TV lol
I disagree, but I can respect your opinion.
does egg in this context refer to the femboy wanting to express feminine but doesn’t really understand what being a femboy is, or is the femboy expressing feminine and being called an egg as in the “you are just trans and dont know it” BS? I’m a tad confused 🥺
that totally rules. Tell him that he’s doing a GREAT job!!
from 2022:
Why are you so hell-bent on defending the Nazi?
(PS: is this paywall blocker good? is there a better resource? this is the first time I used it 🥺)
Finally, some good news. I’m about 20,000 dollars in debt because anytime I try to move I have to “insert card to continue transaction” and it’s so annoying
(/s if it didn’t come off well enough)
that’s what notepad++ is for!
woah that’s so good!!
ok. so first off, you know how you can send emails to other people that aren’t using the same email website, right…?
I probably wouldn’t date a smoker in reality but omg yes 😭