I switched from arch to nixos a few months ago. I would recommended going straight to using flakes and never touching channels. Channels really confused me when I started.
Also don’t ever use env to install packages. Just add them to your configuration file and run rebuild.
This video help me a lot when starting. Its a bit old but I don’t remember anything being wrong. He goes over how to use channels and how to setup to update using flakes. Also covers homemanager setup. Nixos setup guide
Also Vimjoyer has some great nixos videos.
The main reason I switch was the way packages work. When you install something that has a dependency say like python. Instead of using whatever python you have already installed it gets another python package that is the exact version the original packages needs. So everything you have installed that uses python has its own python. That way if your python gets updated for one thing it won’t break anything else that still needs the older version.
Its probably just a skill issue but I used both manjaro and arch for years on main desktop and both ended up broke where I couldn’t update anymore because of that issue. I know it can be fixed somehow but I always made it worse when I tried. I also had the same issue happen on my other computers(arch) when I would not update them for extended period of time.
Nixos not only fixes that by the way it does dependencies, but also because every time you “rebuild” it makes a new image you can boot from. So if a update breaks anything you just reboot back to the last working image. So the system is pretty much indestructible.
Other things i love about nixos.
Okay that was a lot of rambling. Probably repeated a lot of same points. I normally would go back and clean it up but I dont have time atm. I hope it somewhat answers your question. I feel like I’m forgetting something too.
If your interested you can try messing with nixos in a VM. Its pretty cool that if you make a config you like you can copy it from VM and use it. When I first switched I was pretty confused and it took probably two weeks to get my config anywhere close to what I had on arch. Most of that was trying to figure out how to config neovim plugins like LSP servers in home manager. Was so worth it though. Going from arch to nixos was every bit as great as when I moved from Window 10 to arch IMO.