Manager: “But not in this timeline, ma’am.”
Manager: “But not in this timeline, ma’am.”
“But you upside down.”
“…nope, still upside down.”
Turn it up at the end. It’s a fucking story.
The apple fell somewhere completely devoid of apple trees and scientists could not trace it back to the tree of origin.
Poorly Drawn Lines & Strange Planet are both genius comics that became mediocre when adapted into TV shows.
Not everything works in animated form.
An unforgettable luncheon.
Translation: “Egads, my roast is ruined!”
Lost track of time “dancin’”.
(Oh ey oh!)
submits counter-offer
How dare you!
Sir David Attenborough deserves our complete and undivided attention.
…hates toads.
Can’t believe they showed so much death in a single Disney movie.
I saw MAN CARD in the thumbnail and legitimately thought it said MAN CHILD and didn’t even question it.
I miss Bow.
Satan: “Jesus, no, we don’t do that shit here.”
That reminds me of a work friend who installed a Konata theme on his work computer and it had sound events for EVERYTHING, including minimizing and maximizing windows, of Konata making weird noises.
He uninstalled it and somehow the sound files kept playing so he had to mute his computer because he was trying do work and you would randomly hear “Baboing!” from down the hall.