red nose energy

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 12th, 2023


  • Imagine Papers Please, but all border crossers are Gordons, some of them carrying suitcases with their labwork you decide (not) to open. You click one of them open and you ether get attacked by a furious cat, or poisoned by chemicals, or both. And some of them do that intentionally, or carry a crowbar taped to their cock, or cause a cascade resonance to your microwaving breakfast if they are especially pissed. These Gordons, man. The headache is granted.

  • Table lamps have a long cord you can cut off and attach it’s contacts to a metallic door handle after plugging it into an outlet. Imagine someone grabbing it and you jump from around the corner with your finger-pistols doing ZAP-ZAP sounds at them as their hand locks in a deathgrip over a knob and their body does Bethesda ragdoll physics. And it’s still not a prank.

    The prank is: I put it up because this harmful and incorrect information is more likely to hurt the prankster than their victim.

  • These drinking traditions are inverse in different parts of the world. Here in Rusland it’s only accepted to climb up with the percent, so beer-wine-vodka-moonshine is the route preferred by many rather than the opposite. There are, obviously, much more mechanics at play but at the very least it makes a drunk person reconsider downing another one of a random drink due to the ancient wisdom.

  • That’s the game where the blue-and-yellow future god supposedly learnt his powers via anal sex with the god-patron of domination and enslavement. Where another one spent his time playing IRL Factorio in the megabasement and skipped shower. All while the third one, a girlboss, did her girlboss things and demanded nothing short of ultimate power. And the end to these words is ALMSIVI.